Federal Government

House votes to overhaul consumer agency

(Joshua Roberts / BLOOMBERG)

The new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau opened Thursday during political debate over the structure of the agency.


The Federal Eye by Ed O'Keefe

Vets groups concerned about support for POW/MIA search

A coalition of groups representing veterans and the families of missing U.S. servicemembers has accused the Defense Department of not fully supporting a U.S.-Russian program that seeks answers to the fate of Americans who disappeared behind the Iron Curtain.

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Ed O'Keefe

The Federal Eye by Ed O'Keefe

Budget cuts cut service

The Social Security Administration says it will close its field offices 30 minutes earlier every day to save money.

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Ed O'Keefe

The Federal Eye by Ed O'Keefe

Federal employees surveyed on benefits

The Office of Personnel Management wants to find out what federal employees think about their benefits and what Senior Executive Service members think about their career program.

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Ed O'Keefe

The Federal Eye by Ed O'Keefe

LaHood pressing on FAA bill

The 20th short-term extension on the FAA reauthorization bill expires at midnight, threatening projects and jobs, the Transportation department said.

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Ed O'Keefe

The Federal Eye by Ed O'Keefe

Formal end of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell' expected

Move means the ban on gay men and lesbians serving openly in uniform will end in late September.

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Ed O'Keefe

Federal Diary

Budget cuts cut service

The Social Security Administration says it will close its field offices 30 minutes earlier every day to save money.

Federal employees surveyed on benefits

The Office of Personnel Management wants to find out what federal employees think about their benefits and what Senior Executive Service members think about their career program.

Federal unions campaign against cuts

Fearing members will pay more than their fair share to fix the nation’s financial problems, they’re fighting back.

In the Loop

Ethics on the links in Orlando

Al Kamen’s In the Loop column, on an upcoming government ethics conference at an Orlando resort, and more.

Heat shrinks Indian Affairs trip to Main

Loop Fans, sweltering the heat wave, may recall Friday’s item about an excellent gathering in early August in lMaine of the Indian Affairs Tribal/Interior Budget Council.

The Influence Industry

Wall Street investing in Romney

Wall Street investing in Romney

Mitt Romney has been raising a lot of money from the financial sector in recent months. His largest corporate sources are mostly finance industry leaders.

Corporations with employees who made big campaign contributions to presidential candidates

Corporations with employees who made big campaign contributions to presidential candidates

The Influence Industry: Lobbying through films

The Influence Industry: Lobbying through films

Two documentaries provide an example of the myriad ways that trade groups, lobbying firms and other advocates try to advance their cause in Washington.

In Session

On cybersecurity, congressional turf war

On cybersecurity, congressional turf war

Sen. John McCain says a new select committee is needed to deal with cybersecurity. His colleagues disagree.

Issa isn’t what either side expected

Issa isn’t what either side expected

Both Democrats and Republicans had high expectations for Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) when he became chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in January. Six months later, Issa isn’t what either side expected.

Will the House target Obama’s house?

Next month, the House is expected to take up the annual appropriations bill that includes the White House’s own budget for 2012.

The High Court

The High Court: Scalia vs. Thomas on originalism

The High Court: Scalia vs. Thomas on originalism

Justices who usually agree are on opposite sides of the Supreme Court’s free-speech ruling about violent video games.

Alito, Sotomayor give voice to court split

Alito, Sotomayor give voice to court split

COLUMN | The Supreme Court’s two former prosecutors take very different views of the criminal justice system.

Plessy and Ferguson, minus the ‘v.’

THE HIGH COURT | These descendents of the two names in the Jim Crow-era ruling met in 2004. Now their group highlights the history of New Orleans’s struggle for racial equality.

Fine Print

When a visa application gets flagged

Many programs are in place aimed at denying visas to suspect foreign applicants — is there too much redundancy?

Study traces terrorism’s newer paths

A new study on jihadist terrorist activities in Europe are now mostly run by independent local groups.

Reporter’s ordeal continues in convoluted CIA case

Reporter’s ordeal continues in convoluted CIA case

New York Times reporter James Risen’s battle with the Justice Department continues in a years-long case involving the CIA.

GS series

Worker focused on bay pollution

Worker focused on bay pollution

The EPA’s Katherine Antos has been lauded for her efforts to coordinate a multi-juridictional plan to cut pollution in the Chesapeake Bay.

The Federal Coach

Debt ceiling uncertainty for federal workers

Once again federal employees must keep plowing ahead with their jobs as they wait for the proverbial shoe to drop.

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Featured Opinion Writer

Federal Faces

Reforming DHS procurement policies to save taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars

Michael Smith has saved U.S. taxpayers more than $750 million by developing new ways of purchasing critical security products, including ammunition, information technology, communication equipment and other supplies.

PostPolitics on Twitter


RT @2chambers: Boehner says he's 'not really interested in a short-term increase of the debt limit.'


#Boehner: "Dealing with the White House is like dealing with a bowl of Jell-O." #debt


#Boehner: "Never once did the president come to the table with a plan." #debt

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Goodbye Orlando & #campaign2012... What's next?


Pawlenty Not 'Ashamed' Now http://t.co/A7j3CjW #campaign2012 #p2 #dems


Let the $4 Billion Rumpus Begin! (Gang of Three Edition). A trifecta in the #Campaign2012 adstravaganza. http://t.co/Wl1AFOv

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RT @SpeakerBoehner: @MarkKnoller: Not true re: "revenue." GOP wants economic growth, simplified tax code. @WhiteHouse insisted on tax hikes


Debt talks break down... Time for the President to show us his plan.


Amen Dennis! MT @RepDennisRoss: Can we please stop "new revenue" - they're called taxes. As absurd as "overseas contingency operations"= war

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Federal Worker Question of the Week

Are you or is anyone you know about to lose their federal job because of budget constraints? And, given reports that federal workers may ultimately be required to pay more into their pension funds — in what would amount to a 5 percent pay cut — are you or is anyone you know considering retirement sooner than originally planned?

Please e-mail your answer to federalworker@washpost.com and include your full name, home town and the agency for which you work. We might include your response in Friday’s Washington Post. When answers are particularly sensitive, we will consider a respondent’s request to withhold full identification.


Washington Post Editors

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Boehner explains decision to end debt talks

Video: Boehner explains decision to end debt talks

Speaker John Boehner held a press conference answering President Obama's criticism of his decision to withdraw from bipartisan talks on reducing the deficit.
Obama: 'I was willing to take a lot of heat'

Obama: 'I was willing to take a lot of heat'

President Obama announced Friday that House Speaker John Boehner called off deficit reduction talks despite having a fair deal on the table.
Dueling debt plans: Sen. Reid vs. House GOP

Dueling debt plans: Sen. Reid vs. House GOP

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) moved to kill the GOP's 'cut, cap and balance' plan, but top House Republicans said it's time for Reid to show his own plan. (July 22)
Obama talks how challenging debt negotiations are

Obama talks how challenging debt negotiations are

During a town hall Friday at the University of Maryland, President Obama said debt negotiations are challenging but he's willing to compromise.
Even more problems for John Edwards

Even more problems for John Edwards

John Edwards is being accused of campaign fraud and now the government wants him to pay back millions in matching funds. (July 22)
Anger over potential debt deal

Anger over potential debt deal

President Obama and Congress are still in talks to keep the U.S. from defaulting on its debt, though a report that a potential deal had been made was met with ire. (July 22)
Panetta set to certify end of 'don't ask, don't tell'

Panetta set to certify end of 'don't ask, don't tell'

Some 17 years after it was put in place, AP sources say Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is set to announce he's certifying ending the military's ban on openly gay service. (July 22)
Grover Norquist's effect on the debt ceiling

Grover Norquist's effect on the debt ceiling

Grover Norquist, the President of Americans for Tax Reform, wields a great deal of power in the debt ceiling debates. Despite not being a congressman, Norquist and his conservative tax pledge have had a huge influence on republican actions in the fight.
First lady teams up with national grocers

First lady teams up with national grocers

First lady Michelle Obama announced on Wednesday a campaign with Wal-Mart, Walgreens and SuperValu to bring fresh fruits and vegetables to impoverished areas with little to no access to healthy foods. (July 20)
Debt debate threatens Maryland, Virginia economies

Debt debate threatens Maryland, Virginia economies

The Washington Post's Anqoinette Crosby sits down with reporter Zachary Goldfarb to discuss the debt ceiling and what no deal may mean for Maryland and Virginia.
Pelosi, Boehner square off on debt ceiling

Pelosi, Boehner square off on debt ceiling

Both House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Leader John Boehner spoke about ongoing efforts to reach a deal on the debt ceiling before an Aug. 2 deadline. (July 21)
Obama shifts position on short-term debt deal

Obama shifts position on short-term debt deal

With twelve days until the Aug. 2 deadline, President Obama is shifting his position on signing a short-term revenue deal. (July 21)
Obama: We're moving in right direction

Obama: We're moving in right direction

President Obama said lawmakers are moving in the right direction to raise the debt ceiling. (July 20)