Romney must be cool and steady


  • Romney must be cool and steady

    Romney must be cool and steady 296 195
  • Cain will be on the hot seat

    Cain will be on the hot seat 296 198
  • Rick Perry gets another chance

    Rick Perry gets another chance 296 200
  • Paul happy to focus on economy

    Paul happy to focus on economy Paul 2011.JPEG-042bd--606x404.jpg 296 197
  • Where and when to watch

    Where and when to watch 296 192

Obama bundler part of effort to lobby White House on Solyndra

Obama bundler part of effort to lobby White House on Solyndra

Obama fundraiser George Kaiser and his business associates discussed lobbying the White House to help Solyndra, newly released e-mails show.

GOP’s guide to ‘Mediscare’ tactics

GOP’s guide to ‘Mediscare’ tactics

FACT CHECKER | A mailer sent out by a group with GOP ties is a perfect guide to misleading tactics used to scare seniors.

The key to Obama’s reelection: Ohio

The key to Obama’s reelection: Ohio

THE TAKE | Should he focus on battlegrounds like Ohio, rather than peripheral states won in ‘08?

Holder grilled on ‘Fast and Furious’

Holder grilled on ‘Fast and Furious’

He acknowledged that Congress was given “inaccurate” information about gun-trafficking sting.

Sexual harassment vs. ‘the real issues’

Sexual harassment vs. ‘the real issues’

CONVERSATIONS | The way politicians and the press have been talking about the Cain allegations suggest harassment is this rare phenomenon.

Obama to feds: No more swag

Obama to feds: No more swag

FEDERAL EYE | Executive order will put serious limits on government-backed travel, printing, vehicles, cellphones — and office swag.

Supreme Court worries that new technology creates ‘1984’ scenarios

Supreme Court worries that new technology creates ‘1984’ scenarios

Government can attach a GPS to car of any American and record movements without a warrant.

Obama pushes education in Pa. visit

Obama pushes education in Pa. visit

He announced changes to Head Start funding and attacked GOP proposals to cut school spending.

Political Columns

Hoping for a scandal

Republicans harangue Eric Holder. ”

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 Dana Milbank

Cain’s conundrum

Four allegations is a tipping point.”

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 Kathleen Parker

Cairo’s worried Copts

Do Christians have a future in Arab world?”

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 David Ignatius

Money over democracy

EU debt crisis imperils self-determination.”

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 Harold Meyerson

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RT @BU_CAS: How will foreign policy factor into the next presidential election? One #BU IR prof explains #campaign2012


How will foreign policy factor into the next presidential election? One #BU IR prof explains #campaign2012

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It’s time candidates turn focus to domestic energy production & obtainable solutions to debt & jobs #gopdebate #tcot


RT @RepGosar: on @loudobbsnews tonight to discuss latest developments in #FastandFurious scandal. We demand answers! #tcot #p2 #2nd


I urge the #supercommittee to form a #Senate panel to seek out & eliminate gov't waste, save over $100B:

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2chambers by Felicia Sonmez

GOP lawmaker rebukes Obama for Netanyahu comments

A freshman House Republican is calling for President Obama to apologize for a private conversation he had with French President Nicolas Sarkozy at last week’s G-20 summit in which both leaders were caught by a “hot” microphone criticizing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

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Felicia Sonmez

In the Loop

The curse of the Cabinet

Mama, don’t let your babies grow up to be cabinet secretaries.

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Right Turn by Jennifer Rubin

Election roundup

The perils of overreach

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Jennifer Rubin

Politics Videos

The Post's O'Keefe says goodbye to gov't swag

The Post's O'Keefe says goodbye to gov't swag

President Obama issued an executive order on Wednesday to cut federal agency spending, including travel, conferences and giveaways, by 20 percent. The Washington Post's Ed O'Keefe shows off the government swag he has collected over the years. (Nov. 9)
Air Force morgue lost body parts from war dead

Air Force morgue lost body parts from war dead

The military mortuary that receives America's war dead and prepares them for burial lost portions of human remains twice in 2009, prompting the Air Force to discipline three senior officials for "gross mismanagement." (Nov. 8)
Herman Cain's lawyer blasts media at news conference

Herman Cain's lawyer blasts media at news conference

Herman Cain appears at a news conference alongside his lawyer, Atlanta-based L. Lin Wood, who has represented Richard Jewell and Rep. Gary Condit (D-Calif.), both falsely accused of wrongdoing.
Ohio voters reject GOP-backed union limits

Ohio voters reject GOP-backed union limits

The state's new collective bargaining law was defeated Tuesday after an expensive union-backed campaign that pitted firefighters, police officers and teachers against the Republican establishment. (Nov. 9)
Cain: 'Never acted inappropriately with anyone'

Cain: 'Never acted inappropriately with anyone'

Herman Cain addressed allegations that he sexually harassed Sharon Bialek, denying any wrongdoing and saying "I don't even know who this lady is." (Nov. 8)
Tense exchange between Holder and Cornyn

Tense exchange between Holder and Cornyn

During testimony on the Justice Department's 'Fast and Furious' program, Attorney General Eric Holder and Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex) enter into a tense exchange about Holder's responsibility and knowledge of the ill-fated gun tracking program. to use humor in tracking political rhetoric to use humor in tracking political rhetoric

Director of The Annenberg Public Policy Center and University of Pennsylvania communications professor Kathleen Hall Jamieson spoke with the Post's Emi Kolawole about The Annenberg Public Policy Center's newest addition,, and the unprecedented use of over-the-top rhetoric in the Republican primary race.
Herman Cain: 'We are taking this head-on'

Herman Cain: 'We are taking this head-on'

Appearing on ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live," Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain says that he will fight the latest harassment allegations head-on because there is not an ounce of truth to the claims. (Nov. 8)
Fourth Herman Cain accuser details harassment claims

Fourth Herman Cain accuser details harassment claims

Sharon Bialek, a client of attorney Gloria Allred, becomes the first woman to publicly accuse Herman Cain of sexual harassment at a news conference in New York City.
Obama pushing for veterans jobs

Obama pushing for veterans jobs

President Barack Obama is promoting new ways to help veterans find jobs in a tough economy while pressing Congress to approve tax credits for businesses to hire former members of the military. (Nov. 7)
Thousands protest at White House over oil pipeline

Thousands protest at White House over oil pipeline

Thousands of demonstrators gathered near the White House on Sunday to oppose the Keystone XL project, a transnational oil pipeline that protesters fear could harm the environment. (Nov. 6)
One year from the election, Obama eyes second term

One year from the election, Obama eyes second term

One year from election day, President Barack Obama's campaign is aware of many of the challenges it faces as it fights for a second term. (Nov. 7)
One year from election day, GOP race unsettled

One year from election day, GOP race unsettled

With one year to go until the 2012 Election, the GOP presidential race remains far from settled. Meanwhile, an angry, frustrated nation braces for a potentially brutal campaign year ahead. (Nov. 7)

What's Your Take?

Why William Daley didn’t work out

The simple fact is that Obama thought he would do what Clinton did during his Presidency. It did not wok. Obama should have realized when Mitch McConnell declared that the Republican policy is to make him a one-term president. He kept talking about bi-partisan approach and is too late to go on the offensive.

Editor's Choice

What’s the future for Facebook revolutions?

Jeffrey C. Alexander, author of “Performative Revolution in Egypt,” assesses the Facebook revolution and considers the role of social networks in future uprisings.

The roots of American disunity

Colin Woodard shows that the United States is a federation of disparate cultures that often have differing views of American values.

Occupy Wall Street book coming

The publisher of “Going Rouge: Sarah Palin — An American Nightmare” is enlisting Writers for the 99% to pull the book together.

Campaign 2012

Primary season heats up

PRIMARY TRACKER | Follow the crucial early-state primary races and see how they have factored into past elections.

2012 Unfiltered

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From Our Partners

Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain gestures during a debate with Newt Gingrich in Houston November 5, 2011. REUTERS/Donna W. Carson (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS HEADSHOT)

Stop calling it a ‘lynching’

Herman Cain’s deliberate invocation of the most hideous and grotesque of racial crimes to shield his own conduct from scrutiny profoundly misrepresents the significance of lynching in the racial history of this country.

See more from The Root

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Rick Perry’s unusual stump speech

The Texas governor appeared uncharacteristically animated in a speech in New Hampshire on Friday.