1. Diversity in Silicon Valley

    We hear lots of anecdotes about the difficulties that minorities face in the tech industry, but hard numbers on the issue are scarce.

    We spent more than two months trying to get data, and we posted a piece about the results this morning.

    Back in August, we filed a Freedom of Information request seeking workforce data from 20 companies: the tech industry’s 10 biggest firms by annual sales and 10 influential startups.

    The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission denied the request in full, saying it is legally prohibited from releasing that information. We later filed the same request with the Department of Labor, and we’re awaiting a response.

    We also asked all 20 companies to voluntarily release parts of their most recent report. Three companies agreed to do so: Dell, Ingram Micro and Intel. (Click here for a look at the data from each of those three.) The other 17 declined or ignored multiple requests.

    The chart above compiles the workforce data from the three who shared their data, and compares those numbers with the overall U.S. workforce ages 25-64.

    Read more about what we found here — and I hope that our FOIA requests will lead to another story with more data soon. -Julianne

  2.  The thing that scares me most is Tumblr…because it like, it reminds me of those clique-y girls in high school that used to make fun of everyone and define what was cool. 

    — Recording artist/former Degrassi-er Drake, on what scares him about his generation

  3. Encircle us, or something, on Google+

    Remember when news organizations referred to Twitter as something like: a microblogging service in which users post 140-character messages?

    At risk of sounding similarly clunky and formal: Encircle/circle/add(?) CNNMoney on Google+!

    Along with the rest of the interwebs, we launched our page late last night after Google opened up its social network to brands. Our pals at Fortune and Money magazines have also launched their own pages, so please circle all three after you post your microblogs on the Facebooks. -Julianne

  4. rejected headlines for charlie o’donnell story


    • Good Time Charlie!
    • O Charlie!
    • The Bachelor: Charlie O’Donnell Wants You to Tungle Him
    • Charlie and Me: Is This a Date?
    • Party Charlie
    • Charlie Bit Me
    • The Perks of Being a VC
    • It’s Charlie’s Party and You’re All Invited
    • VC’ing Ain’t Easy (But It Sure Is Fun)
    • It’s Hard Out Here For A VC
    • Charlie And The Woman Factory That Is Being A VC
    • Can’t-resist capitalist, or the investor who pesters? Venture man Charlie O’Donnell makes the rounds
    • Baby, I Wanna Lead Your Round

    (Source: betabeat.com)

  5.  I had a regularly scheduled Comcast outage and was unable to take part in this one. 

    — Reader comment on CNNMoney’s story about the router bug that crashed millions of connections this morning. 

  6. Screenshot: CNNMoney 
Siri is also befuddled about the iPhone 4S’s battery woes. 

    Screenshot: CNNMoney

    Siri is also befuddled about the iPhone 4S’s battery woes

  7.  Don’t forget “PackageGate.” My box arrived with a scuff on it. 

    — Unimpressed reader is unimpressed with our searing analysis of Apple’s annual iPhone snafus

  8.  How do Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie still have jobs? 

    — Daring Fireball’s Jon Gruber, wondering how the RIM co-CEOS are still in charge after seeing this Bloomberg article about RIM falling below book value (the sum of all their assets) today.

  9. I love my wife, because she doesn't speak geek

    David: ooooh, I get to have lunch with the CEO of Nvidia in a couple weeks
    Ora: i dont know what that means
  10. Screenshot: CNNMoney
I love the meta-commentary that goes on these days in Amazon tags. This one is from Stephen King’s new novel 11/22/63. -Stacy

    Screenshot: CNNMoney

    I love the meta-commentary that goes on these days in Amazon tags. This one is from Stephen King’s new novel 11/22/63. -Stacy