Texas on the Potomac

Washington news with a Texas accent
Nov 10, 2011

Ruben Hinojosa, a top GOP target, to seek a ninth term in Congress

Rep. Ruben Hinojosa said Thursday he would seek re-election in a congressional district that will be determined by a panel of federal judges in San Antonio. Republicans have targeted the Mercedes Democrat, who declared personal bankruptcy in 2010 while serving as a member of the House Financial Services Committee.

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Posted by Gary Martin on | Permalink | Leave a comment
Categories: Congress/Texas Delegation, Texas politics
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TexMessage: Houston Greens stand together

Get your daily serving of Greens in today’s TexMessage

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Categories: Al Green, Gene Green, TexMessage
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Nov 09, 2011

John Cornyn, agent’s family up pressure on Eric Holder after Fast and Furious grilling


Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, expressed frustration and anger Wednesday with Attorney General Eric Holder a day after grilling him on Capitol Hill over Operation Fast and Furious. But he stopped short of asking Holder to resign. The family of slain Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry also criticized Holder’s testimony, calling on him to accept responsibility for Fast and Furious.

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Posted by Puneet Kollipara on | Permalink | Leave a comment
Categories: Border/immigration, Congress/Texas Delegation, Crime and punishment, Drug wars, Guns, Homeland Security, John Cornyn, Mexico
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Rep. Henry Cuellar arrives in Afghanistan bearing tortillas and letters for GIs

Rep. Henry Cuellar brings taste of home to troops stationed in Afghanistan.

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Categories: General, Henry Cuellar
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Sen. John Cornyn: Super committee should rethink defense cuts

In light of pending recommendations from Congress’ deficit reduction “super committee,” Texas Republican Sen. John Cornyn said today that cuts to defense spending should be based more on strategy than financial savings alone.

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Categories: General, John Cornyn, Military
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Texas lawmakers critique Obama’s “Christmas tree tax”

Welcome to our new daily feature, “Tweets of the Day.” Check back every afternoon for the top tweets from Texas lawmakers and political observers.

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Posted by Amanda Sakuma on | Permalink | Leave a comment
Categories: Budget/taxes/economy, Louie Gohmert, Ted Poe
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Rep. Ted Poe continues fight to expand role of World War I memorial on National Mall

The last American veteran of World War I may be gone, but Rep. Ted Poe continues efforts to honor him and other Americans who served nearly a century ago.

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Categories: Ted Poe
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TexMessage: Hutchison says Obama wants to over-regulate the Internet

Texas Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison spoke out against White House threats to veto a resolution she sponsored to overturn “net neutrality” rules adopted last year by the Federal Communications Commission.

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Posted by Emily Holden on | Permalink | Leave a comment
Categories: Congress/Texas Delegation, Kay Bailey Hutchison
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