Policies and Measures Databases

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Global Renewable Energy

The Global Renewable Energy Policies and Measures Database provides information on policies and measures taken or planned to encourage the uptake of renewable energy. It particularly complements policy analysis carried out under the ongoing Global Renewable Energy Markets and Policies Programme (GREMPP), and is supported in part by the European Commission.

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Energy Efficiency

The Energy Efficiency Policies and Measures database provides information on policies and measures taken or planned to improve energy efficiency. The database further supports the IEA G8 Gleneagles Plan of Action mandate to “share best practice between participating governments”, and the agreement by IEA Energy Ministers in 2009 to promote energy efficiency and close policy gaps.

climate thumbnailAddressing Climate Change

The Dealing with Climate Change policies and measures database provides information on energy-related policies and measures taken or planned to reduce greenhouse gas emissions



The IEA’s Policies and Measures Databases offer access to information on energy-related policies and measures taken or planned to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy efficiency and support renewable energy development and deployment. This online service aims to complement the policy analysis carried out by the IEA and covers measures taken in IEA member countries. Delegates from IEA member countries are given the opportunity to review information in the databases twice a year.

In addition, the databases include some information on policies and measures in Brazil, China, the European Union, India, Mexico, Russia and South Africa. Please note this information is not subject to official government review. The Global Renewable Energy policies and measures database also includes some information on additional non-IEA countries.

Please note the databases are not exhaustive; for example, information on actions taken by provincial or regional government is not systematically included. If you believe information is missing, please help us to improve the quality of this service by contacting us or filling out the policy submission form.