NCAR & UCAR News Center
NCAR-Wyoming Supercomputing Center exterior
November 7, 2011
The powerful new system, named Yellowstone, will be installed early next year at the NCAR-Wyoming Supercomputing Center.
November 9, 2011
The governor will present the annual awards for “High Impact Research” on November 15 to teams from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and three other Colorado-based research centers for scientific breakthroughs.
October 18, 2011
Bogdan, who will take over the reins at UCAR on January 9, 2012, joins UCAR from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center, where he is director.
UCAR Magazine
Margaret LeMone | 8 November 2011  •  As Don Lenschow walked on the sidewalk near the recently refurbished Anthes Building on 13 October, he noticed a patch of very warm air. Don, a colleague of mine in NCAR’s Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Division (MMM), was on his way to work around 9:25 a.m. MDT when the warm air caught his attention. Puzzled, he stopped to assess the situation. Warm air from the nearby sewer grate? None.
UCAR Magazine
Bob Henson | 20 September 2011  •  It finally rained in Pecos. On 14 September, the West Texas town received a modest but welcome 0.13 inches, plus another 0.27” in the following three days (about 16 millimeters total) . Normally that wouldn’t be big news—except the last time Pecos had gotten any substantial rain was on 23 September 2010. During the intervening year, the town scraped by with a mere 0.03” (1 mm). 
Satellite image of southeastern U.S. with swirling storms.
October 26, 2011 | NCAR scientists have performed one of the most detailed simulations ever of a massive tornado outbreak. In late April 2011, an extremely violent spate of tornadoes, dubbed the Super Outbreak, tore a path of destruction through the southern and eastern parts of the United States, making April 27 the deadliest U.S. tornado day since 1925. Especially hard hit was Alabama, where a...
Waves crashing near shore.
October 17, 2011 | Climate change is not expected to affect the extent or frequency of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) over the 21st century, but it could worsen its impacts. That’s the conclusion of a modeling study published in Journal of Climate in September.
• ABC News - Online
• Seth Borenstein
• St. Cloud Times
• Kevin Allenspach

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Bogdan, who will take over the reins at UCAR on January 9, 2012, joins UCAR from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center, where he is director.

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S-Pol radar silhouette against clouds
The DYNAMO field project will help improve long-range weather forecasts and seasonal outlooks by focusing on the Madden-Julian Oscillation, an atmospheric pattern that affects weather worldwide.
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