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  • NCAT Comes to NCAR

    Students from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (NCAT) work with scientists in the Atmospheric Chemistry Division as part of a long-distance, graduate-level atmospheric chemistry class.

  • HIPPO Takes to the Skies

    HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO) researchers continue investigating the atmospheric carbon cycle and greenhouse gas dynamics when the fourth of five missions flies in June 2011. Flying pole-to-pole, from the Earth's surface to the tropopause, HIPPO provides the first-ever comprehensive, year-round perspective on a variety of global atmospheric constituents and processes.

  • The storms between Sun and Earth:
    Looking for more lead time on damaging space weather

    Researchers gain new insights from the Coupled Magnetosphere Ionosphere Thermosphere, which more realistically characterizes the upper atmosphere during steady state and solar-weather disruptions.

  • NCAR Creates Climate Science and Applications Program

    NCAR has a long history of providing a home for science benefiting society. Recently NCAR’s Research Applications Laboratory (RAL) created the Climate Science and Applications Program (CSAP) as a focal program, bringing together NCAR’s social and physical sciences.

  • Advancing Antarctic Science with AMPS

    Having advance notice of poor weather is useful to anyone, but it is particularly critical for those working in remote polar regions where weather can quickly amplify existing conditions. To maximize its research mission safety and effectiveness, the National Science Foundation’s Office of Polar Programs supports the Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System, which aids weather prediction in Antarctica.

  • Why Is The Sun's Atmosphere So Hot?

    New imagery of the sun is revealing the complex dynamics of its surface and corona. Here, an image of the solar chromosphere showing a "hedgerow" of spicules, or jets of dense plasma that shoot up from the chromosphere. Scientists think that certain types of spicules may help explain why the Sun's atmosphere is too hot.


The High Altitude Observatory develops comprehensive, quantitative understanding of the coupled Sun-Earth system.
The Computational and Information Systems Laboratory (CISL) provides high-performance computing and related services to the research community.
The Earth Observing Laboratory develops and deploys observing facilities to meet the science community's observational needs.
NCAR's Earth System Laboratory addresses many of the complex scientific questions related to today's environmental challenges.
The Research Applications Laboratory's directed research fosters knowledge and technology transfer, advancing atmospheric science to address societal needs.