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Field Projects
  1. Bio-hydro-atmosphere Interactions
    of Energy, Aerosols, Carbon, H2O,
    Organics and Nitrogens
    BEACHON 2010
  2. Pre-Depression Investigation of
    Cloud Systems of the Tropics
    PREDICT 2010
  3. Persistant Cold-Air Pool Study
Staff Profile

José Meitín

José Meitín As a field project coordinator, it's not enough for José Meitín to understand complex scientific concepts and know how to use cutting-edge instruments. He also needs a flair for foreign diplomacy, proficiency in several languages, and a capacity for great patience when dealing with customs officials.

Britt Stephens

Britt Stephens became fascinated with Earth sciences during high school field trips in northeastern Oregon, where he grew up. When he started college at Harvard University, he was determined to branch out into new subjects.

Henry Boynton

Henry Boynton can tell you what the atmosphere looks like at 51,000 feet above Earth's surface, a good 15,000 feet higher than most commercial airplanes venture. "The biggest thing you notice is that the sky is a lot bluer," he observes.


Marcel Verstraete

When Marcel Verstraete came to work at NCAR in May 1962, construction of the Mesa Lab was still years in the future. Scientists used slide rules instead of computers. And because there were no satellites to carry instruments, a major goal...


José Meitín

José Meitín As a field project coordinator, it's not enough for José Meitín to understand complex scientific concepts and know how to use cutting-edge instruments. He also needs a flair for foreign diplomacy, proficiency in several languages, and a capacity for great patience when dealing with customs officials.
Weather at Foothills Lab
Temp: 28.8 degrees F
Dewpoint: 18.8 degrees F
Wind Chill: 28.8 degrees F
Humidity: 65.8 percent

Fri Nov 4 08:29:23 2011
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