Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter:

David Axelrod's Pattern of Sexual Misbehavior

Herman Cain has spent his life living and working all over the country -- Indiana, Georgia, Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, Washington, D.C. -- but never in Chicago. So it's curious that all the sexual harassment allegations against Cain emanate from Chicago: home of the Daley machine and Obama consigliere David Axelrod.

Caroline Glick

Caroline Glick:

Waiting out Obama

Over the past week, there has been an avalanche of news reports in the Israeli and Western media about the possibility of an imminent Israeli or American strike on Iran's nuclear installations. These reports were triggered by a report on Iran's nuclear program set to be published by the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency later this week.

Michael Reagan

Michael Reagan:

GOP Field in Flux

My Dad would be beaming with pride over the behavior of Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain in Saturday's debate, where there were polite discussions over the issues that concern us all. Moreover, the candidates offered their genuine solutions to the nation's problems without the personal attacks that would have violated Dad's 11th Commandment. The winner in the Gingrich-Cain debate was this nation and its people.

Jeff Jacoby

Jeff Jacoby:

A nuclear Iran would be the gravest threat

RON PAUL, the Texas congressman and isolationist would-be president, is against using tough economic sanctions or military force to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. How then, he was asked on "Fox News Sunday," would he persuade Teheran to abandon its quest for the bomb? "Well," Paul suggested, "maybe offering friendship to them." Hmm, there's an idea. How might it work in practice?


Tue. Nov 08

Mon. Nov 07

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Sat. Nov 05

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Thu. Nov 03