Media and Culture on Townhall

  • Those Super Heroes Thu Nov 10
    Jackie Gingrich Cushman
    I'm going to take the opportunity this week to write a letter of thanks, to our veterans. ... more
  • Larry Elder
    "He's got it coming to him," said Ben Bradlee, former editor of The Washington Post. "You can't do that in this town anymore. Probably could do it 50 years ago, but you can't do it now." ... more
  • Cal Thomas
    The politics of personal destruction is nothing new. It has been around from the beginning of the country when worse things were said about presidents and presidential candidates than have been alleged against Herman Cain. ... more
  • Michael Barone
    Washington was all a-Twitter (literally) Monday over Politico's story about the sexual harassment charges against Herman Cain -- and about Cain's serial self-contradictions. ... more
  • Michael Medved
    With Rick Perry suddenly pushing a flat tax and Herman Cain substantively revising his popular 9-9-9 revenue plan, GOP candidates may finally refocus their feverish, fatuous immigration obsession, dropping an issue emphasis that’s destructive, distracting, demented and downright dumb. ... more
  • Another 'Borking?' Tue Nov 1
    Mona Charen
    It has the feel of an ambush -- this sexual harassment story involving Herman Cain. ... more
  • Robert Knight
    Liberal press bias has been so stark and the lying by omission so blatant that it's time to take stock again. ... more
  • David Cortman
    Nearly every week, I come across an article where parents in some community are in an uproar over school districts promoting inappropriate sexual materials to our kids. Whether it’s related to homosexual behavior or other age-inappropriate sexual issues, there seem be school districts across the land intent on sexualizing our kids. ... more
  • David Cortman
    So how exactly do we move from a nation whose founders and first public servants included many Christians, to a place where Christians are no longer fit to participate in public life? Because if the “Freedom From Religion Foundation” (FFRF) has their way, that’s exactly what our country will look like. ... more
  • Susan Brown
    British author Graham Greene so aptly wrote in his novel "The Power and the Glory," "There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in." Rather than one moment, for me, it was a collection of moments growing up in a home in which my folks did not divvy out weekly allowances unless they were earned, and encouraged us to attend college but did not pay the bill. ... more
  • John Stossel
    For years, American education from kindergarten through high school has been a virtual government monopoly. ... more
  • Thomas Sowell
    The current media and political crusade against "bullying" in schools seems likewise to be based on what groups are in vogue at the moment. ... more
  • Phyllis Schlafly
    Most Americans are unaware that about $700 billion a year of federal taxpayers' money is handed out to non-taxpayers who are allegedly below the poverty line (in addition to $250 billion a year given out by the states). ... more
  • Byron Babione
    In New Jersey, the Township of Union Public School District has suspended a special education teacher named Vicki Knox because she sat in her own home, on her own computer, and expressed her Christian faith on her personal Facebook page. ... more
  • Lurita Doan
    As Americans watch the misguided Occupy Wall Street protesters continue to press their disjointed, anti-capitalist, anti-American message, it seems that it might be time for a counter effort aimed at Hollywood. ... more
  • Doug Giles
    Blameshifting, according to success expert Stephen Covey, is a key habit to being a hobbled and broke Occupy Occupuss. The other day I saw a trust fund baby Columbia grad at an OWS rally blathering about how Wall Street was “oppressing” him, and I’m sitting there thinking, “Yeah, sure. It’s Wall Street’s fault you can’t find gainful employment. ... more
  • Michael Youssef
    The clearest answer comes from a statement reputedly made by President Harry Truman during his 1948 Presidential election campaign. ... more
  • Oakland
    You see - corporations should be transparent but not their protest. ... more
  • Jeff Jacoby
    MANY ISRAELIS, and many friends of Israel in the West, think there is something to be admired in thelopsided deal that will free more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners -- including hundreds of terrorists serving life sentences for murder -- in exchange for Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier abducted by Hamas in 2006 and held virtually incommunicado ever since. ... more
  • A Green Whitewash Wed Oct 19
    Brent Bozell
    Walter Cronkite's longtime producer Leslie Midgley once wrote that, "News is what an editor decides it is." News today is what TV producers decide can help President Obama. News that hurts isn't news at all. ... more
  • Marvin Folkertsma
    The ink was barely dry on the asterisk in Jimmy Hoffa Jr.’s rant about taking out those “sons-of-b*tches”—referring to Tea Party members—when the vice president made his own contribution at a Labor Day rally. “This is a fight for the existence of organized labor,” the veep shouted. “You are the only ones who can stop the barbarians at the gate!” And the diatribes have continued, with the establishment of a website designed to track unfair comments made by those who, in President Obama’s words, want to “cripple” America. Congresswoman Maxine Waters’ snippet about telling the Tea Party to “Go to H*ll!” (that pesky asterisk again ... more
  • Bill Murchison
    "The protest against corporate greed born last month on New York's Wall Street spread across the world Saturday," according to The Los Angeles Times. But hold on! The Times is engaged in a question-begging exercise -- one with tendencies that deserve to be, but certainly won't be, shut down promptly. ... more
  • Paul Greenberg
    What makes a great teacher? You might as well ask what makes a great artist. ... more
  • Janet Mefferd
    Michele Bachmann was the Christian “bigot” of July, and now it’s October. So evidently, we now need the media to be outraged about another Christian position that isn’t news and was perpetrated by the newest “bigot” – Dr. Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas. ... more
  • How America Fell Mon Oct 10
    Mike Adams
    I suppose the fall of America could best be traced to a failure to grasp one simple idea; namely, that ideas have consequences. Of course, that also means that bad ideas have very bad consequences. ... more