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May 22, 2006
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2 weeks ago
About Me: Top Conservative News, Opinion & Analysis
Washington D.C.
United States
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townhall uploaded a new video (2 weeks ago)
Katie Pavlich on Fox business
townhall uploaded a new video (2 weeks ago)
Katie Pavlich on Willis Report
townhall added new videos to Katie Pavlich Spots (2 weeks ago)
townhall added new videos to Townhall Magazine Commercial (3 weeks ago)
townhall uploaded a new video (3 weeks ago)
Get a sneak peek at the November 2011 issue of Townhall Magazine, featur...   more
Channel Comments (22)
RicoRichmond (3 weeks ago)
Have you seen 'Shadow Government', 'Fiat Empire' or 'Don't Tread on Me'?
Federalism24 (1 month ago)
From Federalism24: townhall does great work. Maybe townhall will like my channel.
NuffNuffSugarPuff (2 months ago)
I agree v
bout1girl (2 months ago)
Why not cut on welfare. Get lazy people of there butts and not depend on hard working people.
LocalSuperCenter (3 months ago)
listed in christian media..cheers
MrDrawingguy (3 months ago)
Barack Hussein Obama approves this channel!.... :)
MDPROVIDEO (4 months ago)
Sharia law in TN ? no way !
granubandjim (5 months ago) Comment(s) marked as spam Show
There never was an America before the progressive movement. In fact, the founding of America was the beginning of the Progressive movement. And while we're still not to the place, largely because of so called "conservatives" in our midst holding progress back, where every man, woman and child may have at least health, safety and dignity even if they don't have wealth - we're closer to it than ever.

And if this great experiment we call America has proven anything, it's that progress is always made, eventually, in a democracy. The forces of greed, backwards thought, and all we falsely call "conservativism" these days can hold progress back for a time, but for them it has been historically and will continue to be a losing battle. Here is the historical fact... Since America came to be, progressives have always ultimately prevailed. Issue by issue, we progressives have always won in time, and in time we will win on every issue.
thewestendnews (7 months ago)
greatest president ever
COliver788 (7 months ago)
he has not done a thing. not one thing for the democrats. no jobs, no nothing. obama is not concerned, either, this is ashame. hillary should have won.
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