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    September Jobs Report - Private Sector Jobs

    Today, the Department of Labor announced that the economy added 103,000 jobs in September and the unemployment rate remained at 9.1 percent. With 137,000 jobs added by private businesses, this marks the 19th consecutive month of private sector job growth.

    Leader Nancy Pelosi:

    "Today's report makes it clear: we must act now to put people back to work, strengthen our small businesses and grow our economy. Americans cannot afford to wait any longer.

    "For 276 days in the majority, House Republicans have failed to enact any jobs measures or put forth a clear jobs agenda. And they've rejected repeated Democratic proposals to bolster small businesses and entrepreneurs, boost manufacturers through our 'Make It In America' initiative, and create good-paying jobs here at home.

    "It's time for Republicans to get off the sidelines and take up President Obama's American Jobs Act – to put people to work rebuilding America, strengthen small businesses so they can grow and hire, and keep teachers, police officers, and firefighters on the job. And we must ensure that the Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction focuses on economic growth because the most effective way to reduce the deficit is through job creation.

    “Americans are waiting; Democrats have been prepared to act; and Republicans must join us to create jobs now."

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