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Rate Watch: Track leading interest rates

Bankrate tracks and updates weekly the major indexes used by the banking industry, including those used as benchmarks for variable-rate credit cards, home equity lines of credit and adjustable mortgages.

Leading interest rate indexes
Prime and other leading rates -- Includes fed funds, COFI rates
Treasury securities -- Common U.S. government debt instruments
LIBOR rates and other indexes -- Several varieties of LIBOR
Key economic statistics -- Employment data, CPI and more
Compare Mortgage Rates
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Mortgage Overnight Averages
Product Rate +/- Last week
30 yr fixed mtg
3.36% 3.41%
15 yr fixed mtg
2.81% 2.84%
5/1 ARM
2.80% 2.79%
30 yr fixed mtg refi
3.34% 3.38%
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