Today on Technorati

  • FCC Announces Cheap Computers, Internet Access

    The FCC announced its plan to provide cheap computers and broadband Internet access to low income households, called the Connecting America Fund today. The Fund uses money from the Universal Service Fund, which is a fee attached to every U.S. phone bill.

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  • JoePa Must Go

    Legendary football coach, 84-year old Joe Paterno, appears to have been faced critical decision in 2002. That decision, not to report the abuse of a young child at the hands of a formal assistant football coach, to proper authorities, appears to have caught up with the man affectionately known as JoePa.

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  • A Secret Driving Mission

    Nothing beats a high-octane (read humorous) dramatization of actual events where the names have been hidden for anonymity, while others have remained for reasons of authenticity.

    Read more in Autos
  • Men are Suckers for Good Looking Spambots

    You'd think people would be wise to spambots -- a rather dimwitted tactic by now -- but alas, new research suggests that men are suckers for good lookers.

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Top 5 fallers
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