Feature: Soapbox Musings

Remember NOT Shop Til You Drop

Author: Daniel Reid
Published: November 09, 2011 at 9:06 am

11:11, November 11th, 2011. Remembrance Day (Canada) Veterans Day (US)

The week before Remembrance / Veterans Day is the flood of  war movies. We see and feel the crash of the waves on the beaches of Normandy. The bullets flying. The tattered vets with tears welling up in their eyes as they remember the many friends they lost on that blood soaked day. But they fought on. For us. They sat in those boats, planes, walked through deserts and jungles, shaking, scared not knowing if they'd ever see their friends or families again.The ultimate sacrifice. Nobody knows how those men and women felt as they sat in the belly of the whale waiting to get spit out into battle.

But Remembrance or Veterans Day is more than just watching "Private Ryan" for the umpteenth time. It's a time to pay respect for the vets who died in the mud, blood and stink of Europe, Korea, and Afghanistan (and for our American friends add Vietnam and Iraq).

And as we all know at 11:11 on the 11th day of the 11th month, the armistice was signed in World War One - the war to end all wars. But war didn't end in 1917 with 35 million casualties. No, war continued. WWII - 60 million people died - over 2.5% of the world population. Korea - over 3 million soldiers and civilians and the two countries are still in a state of war. Vietnam nearly the same number of senseless deaths. Afghanistan - over 3000 deaths and increasing daily. Will it ever end?

War is ugly but we still need to remember the brothers, fathers, uncles, aunties, mothers and daughters who fought and died for what they thought was the advancement  humanity. Even if you're a pacifist and don't agree with war, take the time on this holiest of days and reflect on the idea of no war.

Continued on the next page

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Article Author: Daniel Reid

I enjoy the three Rs - reading, writing and running .... I am also an English teacher who has been inspiring new Canadians and foreign language learners for over fifteen years.

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