Feature: Celebutards - Worshipping at the Altar of Idiocy

Justin Bieber to Take Test

Author: Stephen Alexander
Published: November 08, 2011 at 5:46 pm

Justin BieberTo show the world that he's no baby-daddy, Justin Bieber will take a paternity test in two weeks. Mariah Yeater is the fan who claims the pair had an illicit and perhaps illegal backstage affair. Mr. Bieber was 16 years-old when the alleged incident took place, while Mariah Yeater was 19 years-old. It's possibly that she could face statutory rape charges.

In a statement made by Mr. Bieber's spokesperson, Matthew Hiltzik, “It's sad that someone would fabricate malicious, defamatory, and demonstrably false claims. We'll vigorously pursue all available legal remedies to protect Justin and to hold those involved with bringing this suit accountable for their actions.”

When Mr. Bieber was on the “Today” show on Friday, he said, “that none of those allegations are true.” He later said, “I think it's crazy because every night after the show, I've gone right from the stage right to my car. … I've never met the woman.”

More new information on this from Mr. Bieber will unlikely until he either passes or fails the paternity test. As for Ms. Yeater, she will be likely be facing statutory rape charges or a defamation law suit. Neither of which will be a fun with an infant in tow.


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Article Author: Stephen Alexander

A divorce & family law mediator in Florida serving the greater Tampa Bay areas of Pinellas, Hillsborough and Manatee County in the great State of Florida, a daddy, a husband, and an attorney with a Bachelor in Science in Materials Engineering and a …

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