
Soapbox Musings

Technorati's "Soapbox Musings," gives our writers a forum to express their feelings, vent their spleens and otherwise, let 'er rip on a variety of topics. Sometimes you just need a place where you can climb up on your soapbox and tell the world what you think. Consider this the place.


Articles in this feature

  1. Nov 09, 2011

    Remember NOT Shop Til You Drop
    Respect the Vet
  2. Nov 09, 2011

    Where is the Palace that America is Supposed to be?
    What happened to the land of opportunity and freedom of choice?
  3. Nov 08, 2011

    To Travel or Not To Travel
    More stories and opinions at: perspectiveofmoi.blogspot.com
  4. Nov 08, 2011

    When Good Men Do Nothing
    How bureaucratic leanings,policies and procedures, and self-preservation trump common sense on campus
  5. Nov 07, 2011

    Journalistic Hypocrisy And Herman Cain
    Will his presidential bid survive the full liberal-media onslaught?
  6. Nov 07, 2011

    Who Really Caused The Mortgage Mess? Mayor Bloomberg Knows. So Do I.
    Intolerance by the left for one of their own for speaking against orthodoxy.
  7. Nov 06, 2011

    Your Favorite Celebrity is a Commercial
    Kardashian: The Brand of Celebrity
  8. Nov 05, 2011

    Fracking Earthquakes – The Next Feeding Frenzy
    Sharks got to eat somewhere, if not in Texas, then in Oklahoma.
  9. Nov 04, 2011

    A Thank You for Dead-Beat Dad's?
    Who praises the single mother for her willingness to sacrifice and be a mother and father?
  10. Nov 04, 2011

    Mendoza Wine Touring Tips
    Touring Mendoza, Argentina's wine country is a blast! Use these tips when you go.
  11. Nov 04, 2011

    Where's My Fairytale Mr. Disney?
    The impossible standards that today's man can't possible live up to.
  12. Nov 04, 2011

    Will Occupy Wall Street Ever Reach a Consensus?
    The Only Thing That Stinks Worse Than The Protests Is The Protesters
  13. Nov 03, 2011

    Cheating: Since When Did It Become Okay?
    Some Possible Excuses That Are Given For Cheating
  14. Oct 31, 2011

    Obama "We've Lost Our Ambition And Imagination". Oh Please Mr. President.
    Stop bringing us down, stop the division. Set us free to do what we are capable of.
  15. Oct 30, 2011

    Avoiding the Inversion Ritual: Why I Won't be Doing Halloween This Year
    The one year anniversary of my mother's death was Oct 23rd — too close to Halloween — I may ditch this holiday.
  16. Oct 29, 2011

    Our trip to the Pumpkin Festival in Retz, Austria.
  17. Oct 29, 2011

    Television to the Rescue of Voice Recognition?
    How television can save us from machine translation hell
  18. Oct 28, 2011

    Predictions for 2012: What will Small Business Adopt?
    Marketers love new trends and 2012 will be another big year, but what for small business?
  19. Oct 28, 2011

    US-Pak Duo: What Has Changed Since 1979?
    Having a look at the changing US Pakistani relationship in terms of a common Pakistani
  20. Oct 28, 2011

    Training for Nascar? No, Just Carpool
    At 8 and 3 every day the mild mannered people in my neighborhood become enemies and competitors.