Disgraced Paterno Must Be Fired Now

Author: Scott Gulbransen
Published: November 08, 2011 at 8:15 pm

Many times, life throws at you a situation that requires you to make an important decision. Those decisions cannot only change the course of your own life, but they sometimes can change the course of countless other lives.

Legendary football coach, 84-year old Joe Paterno, appears to have been faced with such a decision in 2002. That decision, not to report the abuse of a young child at the hands of a formal assistant football coach, to proper authorities, appears to have caught up with the man affectionately known as JoePa.

Despite all of the accolades for a coaching career built on tradition and a winning football program, it appears Paterno, when faced with a decision that was life-altering, punted and in the end showed a streak of cowardice. A lack of personal integrity that now will cost him his job and tarnish his legacy forever.

As a parent of a son of the same age of the child allegedly abused at the hand of former Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky, I am disgusted and downright outraged at how little Paterno feels responsible.

The gist of his story: a graduate assistant caught Sandusky molesting the boy in a locker room at Penn State. He then reported it to Paterno who then told Penn State Athletic Director Tim Curley, who has since been indicted and fired, about the incident. It was then covered up.

The fact that Paterno felt his responsibility ended at telling his superior at the university of the abuse is laughable. My first call wouldn’t have been to the athletic director, it would have been to the police. Paterno’s decision was irresponsible, selfish and he should be fired immediately.

Reports out of College Station say the university is working on an “exit” for Paterno.

Continued on the next page

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Article Author: Scott Gulbransen

Scott Gulbransen is the Director of Social Media at tax giant H&R Block and is an avid blogger. He is the co-founder and a contributor at EveryOtherThursday.com and and also writes about social media, business and public relations at ScottGulbransen.com. …

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