Spire.io Beta Launch

Spire.io Beta Launch

Spire.io is a platform (group of APIs) for developers to build awesome apps. They are going for nothing less than being…… read more »

10:44am Jan 4, 2012
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2011 Featured Fewer Venture-Backed Exits, But Much Bigger Deals

2011 Featured Fewer Venture-Backed Exits, But Much Bigger Deals

According to a report from Dow Jones VentureSource, 2011 saw fewer startup mergers, acquisitions and IPOs than 2010, although the…… read more »

4:53pm Jan 3, 2012
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LA Arson Wave In 140 Characters Or Less

LA Arson Wave In 140 Characters Or Less

This New Year’s weekend, LA was ablaze — not with New Year’s Eve fireworks — but with a spate of…… read more »

1:51pm Jan 2, 2012
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Google Ranks 2011 In Terms Of Search

Google Ranks 2011 In Terms Of Search

Every year, Google publishes their annual Google Zeitgeist — a visual breakdown of the year that was vis a vis…… read more »

12:28am Dec 31, 2011
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#LastTweet Says Goodbye In 140 Characters Or Less

#LastTweet Says Goodbye In 140 Characters Or Less

The New York Times Magazine has released a new feature called #LastTweet, which catalogs the final Twitter messages of a…… read more »

8:46pm Dec 29, 2011
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Startup Profile: Q&A with GrubWithUs.com

Startup Profile: Q&A with GrubWithUs.com

Daishin Sugano is the co-founder of GrubWithUs, a startup that uses social networking to bring people together over tasting menus at top restaurants.… read more »

11:40am Dec 29, 2011
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Locals Plan Tribute To Socal Surfer Turned Internet Entrepreneur

Locals Plan Tribute To Socal Surfer Turned Internet Entrepreneur

Local surfer and entrepreneur Sean Collins, who founded the surf prediction site Surfline, passed away on Monday after suffering a…… read more »

11:29pm Dec 28, 2011
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New SoCal Startup Helps Geeks Get Funded

New SoCal Startup Helps Geeks Get Funded

SoCal based FundaGeek, which soft launched in November, has officially opened up to the public. According to the FundaGeek website,…… read more »

12:34pm Dec 27, 2011
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Got A New Tech Toy? Here Are The Tricks You Need To Know

Got A New Tech Toy? Here Are The Tricks You Need To Know

Merry Christmas, Happy Channukah, Good Kwanzaa and a Fabulous Festivus. Whatever holiday you celebrate, odds are good you got some…… read more »

10:32pm Dec 26, 2011
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LA Startup Profile: Workout with Sweteez

LA Startup Profile: Workout with Sweteez

Many of us walk into the gym with our keys, phone, iPod, headphones, book/magazine and towel in hand, often unable…… read more »

10:21am Dec 26, 2011
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