
Service Interruption

On Friday, 07 September 2012 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (USA Mountain Time), our FTP services will be unavailable because of system maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Data Search & Access Tools

Users may search for data in NSIDC's entire online data catalog using the NSIDC Data Search tool, or you may want to use one of the specialized search and access tools listed below, which will help you discover, visualize, access, or search-and-order certain data without searching NSIDC's entire online catalog.

Map Services

Atlas of the Cryosphere
Dynamic mapping Web site that allows the visitor to explore the Earth’s frozen regions.

Antarctic Cryosphere Access Portal (A-CAP) (Beta version)
A-CAP is a geo-visualization tool for NSIDC's Antarctic Glaciological Data Center (AGDC) data and other Antarctic-wide parameters.

GLIMS Glacier Database
Unique inventory of critical information about glaciers, with both a Web mapping service and a text search interface.

MODIS Mosaic of Antarctica (MOA) Image Map
Web-based map server that can create manually-selected JPEG images of the Antarctic continent and surrounding islands.

Virtual Globes
Data-based images overlaid on an interactive virtual globe using Google Earth™.

Photograph & Information Databases

Glacier Photograph Collection
Searchable database of glacier photographs, including special collections of glacier photograph pairs.

World Glacier Inventory
Searchable inventory of glacier names, number, location, and other information.

Search-and-Order Interfaces

Search for and order data from NSIDC and other Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs). Allows FTP distribution, subsetting, and provides browse images.

Data Pool
The Data Pool provides direct FTP access to NSIDC's complete archive of AMSR-E, ICESat/GLAS, MODIS, and NISE products. A simple Web search interface helps you quickly locate data of interest.

MODIS Interactive Subsetting Tool (MIST)
Search for and receive certain Version 5 (V005) MODIS data products over the Greenland Climate Network (GC-Net) and the International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere (IASOA) stations. MIST also provides limited online analysis capabilities that include generating time series and scatter plots.

Polaris allows for searching and receiving our data with our new infrastructure that supports users finding and browsing actual data holdings online. It serves as a navigation point for limited NSIDC data sets adding subsetting, reformatting, and reprojecting capabilities.

The Services for Analysis of the Greenland Environment (SAGE) adds analysis capabilities and a unique interface for specific Greenland data sets. It is a tool designed to help scientists access, integrate, and analyze data related to the history and status of Greenland's ice sheet in real time using timeseries, scatterplot, histogram, and box and whisker plots.

See Also

NSIDC Data Search

Search all data sets in NSIDC's data catalog.

Easy-to-use Data Products

Selected NSIDC data sets that require little or no processing or programming to use.

Related Resources

Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)

Enables users to locate and access Earth science data sets and services relevant to the global change and Earth science research.


NSIDC User Services

Contact User Services for help with any of these methods.

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The National Snow and Ice Data Center

Advancing knowledge of Earth's frozen regions
449 UCB  University of Colorado  Boulder, CO 80309-0449

Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)    University of Colorado Boulder