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Share the Good News!

Let the Forbes Reprints Department help you turn your media coverage into an effective marketing presentation, providing not only the means to share your good press, but also to include information that you may wish to promote from upcoming events to new initiatives, product launches, or simply adding a logo and contact information.

Advertising alone cannot provide the same substantive and qualitative impact achieved with a customized reprint.

As an affordable supplement to your advertising efforts, consider the many ways you can put your good press to work, adding impact and credibility to your ongoing marketing and PR efforts.

Co-Brand with Forbes by including logos or ads on your reprint
Announce upcoming conferences and events with customized print or digital reprints
Generate leads by including sales and contact information
Drive HR recruitment efforts with upbeat, high profile media coverage
Pique consumer and investor interest with mailings or e-blasts
Promote good will by sharing important news and information with clients
or... Just hang a plaque in the office


Contact us directly...

Doug Lopenzina: 212.620.2399 (Magazine content)
Mike O'Brien: 1.877.652.5295 ext. 117 ( content)