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The "OPEC gas tax" — it dwarfs the rest
  The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) cartel — and the world's failure to curb demand in the face of it — produce a "tax" on gasoline that is far greater than U.S. gas taxes.
  zFact: The "OPEC gas tax" in 2008 is $1.88 per gallon, compared to combined Federal and State gas taxes that averaged about 46 cents per gallon in 2007. More

zFact: We don't have to pay a tax to OPEC. But we have to get organized. More
Related zFacts
How big is the OPEC gas tax?
Ending the OPEC gas tax
State gas tax info
Chapter and Verse
Well, chapters, at least. Read more about how to beat the OPEC oil cartel in the chapter, Learning from OPEC, from the book Carbonomics: How to Fix the Climate and Charge it to OPEC.

http://zfacts.com/p/990.html | 11/09/11 20:12 GMT
Modified: Sun, 11 May 2008 18:07:53 GMT
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