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20 September 2012

Video posts
Video: Mini-Documentaries Showcase Venezuelan Artists

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Through their YouTube account, the creative team Mostro Contenidos has released a documentary series called 'Memorabilia', where they present a collection of short interviews with Venezuelan personalities who have stood out -nationally and internationally- in film, entertainment, and the arts.

Zambia: Former First Lady, Betty Kaunda, Dies

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There was an outpouring of grief on social media networks on Wednesday September 19, following news of the death of former Zambian First Lady, Betty Kaunda, wife of Zambia’s first President Dr Kenneth Kaunda.

Video posts
China: Are Overloaded Vehicles to Blame for Harbin Bridge Collapse?

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On August 24, a highway bridge in China's Harbin city suddenly collapsed, leaving three dead and five injured. Yesterday the investigation report came out which stated that the collapse was caused by overloaded vehicles, but netizens are not so sure this is correct.

Japan: Should a Famous Comedian's Mum Be Allowed Social Aid?

A Japanese comedian became the subject of massive outrage in the media and online, after it was revealed his mother has claimed social benefit.

Pakistan Bans YouTube Over Controversial Video

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In an attempt to appease the growing unrest in the country, the Government of Pakistan decided to block the social networking site YouTube as of Monday, September 17, 2012. The move came hours after protests in the southern city of Karachi turned violent, leaving two protesters dead.

Video posts
Japan: Fukushima Nuclear Cleanup Worker Dangers Revealed

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A citizen media news video has revealed the dangerous conditions that cleanup workers in Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant are finding themselves in. The plant was damaged by last year's devastating earthquake and tsunami.

19 September 2012

Venezuela: Discussion and Debate on the Road to Election Day

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With less than a month left before the presidential elections, the conversation online highlights the separation between the visions incumbent Hugo Chávez and opponent Henrique Capriles have for the future of Venezuela. A collection of statements helps us further understand the complexities that remain hidden behind a division that, on the surface, only has two sides.

Argentina: Why are Citizens Outraged?

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Argentinians calling for "justice, freedom, security and currency exchange" marched on September 13, 2012, throughout the country. In this post, we have gathered citizen analysis which explain the reasoning behind these demands.

What's the Verdict on Uganda@50 Independence Song?

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'Yoga Yoga' is the official celebration song for Uganda's 50th year of independence, featuring Ugandan artists such as Esther Nabaasa, Ruyonga, Barbara Kayaga, Hum Kay and Richard Kaweesa. Some netizens are praising it whilst others argue it neither represents Ugandans nor Ugandan culture.

Trinidad & Tobago: Not “Moving On” from Section 34

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The Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago advised earlier this week that the country should “move on” from the Section 34 debacle; contrary to his request, thousands of citizens marched against the betrayal of trust and bloggers are refusing to let the issue go.

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