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By Frank Jossi, Midwest Energy News
Some 10,000 protesters gathered around the White House to protest Keystone XL
By Elizabeth McGowan, InsideClimate News
State Dept building in DC
By Timothy Gardner, Reuters

State Dept Weighs Rerouting Keystone XL

A decision to consider an alternative route would require an environmental impact study on the new segment of the pipeline, a State Dept official said.


Tanks labeled as "Brine Water" on a property in Dimock, Pa.
By Anthony Brino, InsideClimate News, and Brian Nearing, Albany Times-Union
Pres. Obama speaks at an event at the Solyndra facility in May 2010.
By Maria Gallucci, InsideClimate News
Anti-Keystone XL protesters march in Minneapolis, Minn in Sept. 2011.
By Jeff Mason and Timothy Gardner, Reuters
A handful of Canadian oil sands
By Marie C. Baca, InsideClimate News

Today's Climate

The State Department is considering rerouting TransCanada's proposed Keystone XL pipeline to avoid ecologically sensitive areas of Nebraska, a U.S. official said on Tuesday.
As controversy continues to mount in the United States over the Keystone XL pipeline decision, B.C. Premier Alison Redford is heading to Washington, D.C., next week to try to address concerns about...
Nebraska lawmakers debated on Tuesday tightening eminent domain rules for procuring land during the second day of a special session to discuss bills related to the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline.
A Nebraska lawmaker is proposing criminal penalties for pipeline officials who pressure landowners with eminent domain before a pipeline gets the official green light.
A researcher from Cornell University told state lawmakers Tuesday that TransCanada has exaggerated the number of jobs its Keystone XL pipeline will create.
BP will officially be off the hook for any deposits of oil that wash up on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico – unless they can be traced directly to the Macondo well, it has emerged.
Montana officials have set fire to an oil-tainted logjam along the Yellowstone River — the last of dozens of contaminated debris piles from a 42,000-gallon Exxon Mobil pipeline spill.
The Obama administration’s new five-year plan for offshore oil and gas drilling includes lease sales in federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico and off the coast of Alaska but will not offer leases...
The Interior Department on Tuesday announced a proposed five-year offshore oil-and-gas leasing plan that’s far less expansive than what the Obama administration envisioned before the BP oil spill.