Picathartes – Africa’s strangest birds

The family Picathartidae consists of two very unusual birds; White-necked or Yellow-headed Picathartes, endemic to the Upper Guinea forests... 

Picathartes – Africa’s strangest birds

Goliath Herons at Lake Panic

The evocatively named Lake Panic is overlooked by a thatched, rustic style hide in one of the most delicious settings that a birder is ever likely to... 

Goliath Herons at Lake Panic

Tanzanian Starlings, Shrikes, and Weavers (Part 1)

SUPER STARLINGS Tanzania plays host to a wide variety of Starlings, over twenty species in fact. In California we have the feisty... 

Tanzanian Starlings, Shrikes, and Weavers (Part 1)

The Western Screech-Owl Nests in Tree Cavities

Western Screech-Owl (Megascops kennicottii) photos by Larry Jordan It’s been an interesting winter in my neck of the woods.... 

The Western Screech-Owl Nests in Tree Cavities

Birding Sydney, Australia

Contrary to what many people believe, Sydney is not the capital of Australia, and even calling it the premier city in the country might elicit angry complaints... 

Birding Sydney, Australia

My (belated) Best Bird of the Year 2011: Racket-tailed Treepie

The end of the year is a great time to look back on the year passed and re-assess where we took our lives, what we... 

My (belated) Best Bird of the Year 2011: Racket-tailed Treepie

Birding Eastern Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is last in the alphabetical atlas of countries of the world. And, given the unstable political situation (slightly improved since the unified government... 

Birding Eastern Zimbabwe

Merry Christmas Shearwaters!

It’s that time of year when a young man’s thoughts turn to tropical seabirds like the Christmas Shearwater… wait, that doesn’t... 

Merry Christmas Shearwaters!

Newest Posts

White Penguin… Wow!

By January 10, 2012 No comments yet

While people tend to consider penguins in terms of black and white, every once in a while one of these dapper divers drops the tuxedo for something along the lines of a summer seersucker… White Chinstrap Penguin © David Stephens, Lindblad Expeditions Used with permission Guests and expedition staff aboard Lindblad Expeditions’ National Geographic Explorer were [...]

In defense of county listing

By January 10, 2012 4 comments

My name is Nate.  And I keep county lists. I realize that this admission tars me as the most obsessive and compulsive among a community of obsessive-compulsives.  I realize that listing is a reviled in birding culture as it is celebrated, and more listing even more so, but hear me out here.  I mean to [...]

Whooping Crane News

By January 10, 2012 No comments yet

It’s a mixed bag for our most charismatic of North American waders this week.  While the ultralight aircraft leading a flock of young Whooping Cranes to Florida may again take to the skies, that good news is tempered by the effects of the drought in Texas, which has already led to the death of at [...]

Picathartes – Africa’s strangest birds

By January 10, 2012 3 comments

The family Picathartidae consists of two very unusual birds; White-necked or Yellow-headed Picathartes, endemic to the Upper Guinea forests of West Africa; and Gray-necked or Red-headed, restricted to Lower Guinea forests of Central Africa. Their strange appearance and habit of communally nesting in rock overhangs and caves has given them their alternative name of rockfowl, [...]

Return of the Land Shark

By January 9, 2012 2 comments

Researchers at Dauphin Island Sea Lab in Alabama conducting a two-year study focusing on the diets of Tiger Sharks in the Gulf of Mexico have made an alarming discovery: not only are these sharks eating the expected fish and other assorted marine organisms, but they’re also eating land-based songbirds! ABC reports that the sharks are [...]

What is a Kumlien’s Gull?

By January 9, 2012 6 comments

Most birders, including the American Ornithologists’ Union, accept Kumlien’s Gull as a subspecies of Iceland Gull. Others say that Kumlien’s Gull is a subspecies of Thayer’s Gull.  Still others say that Thayer’s Gull, Iceland Gull, and Kumlien’s Gull are all a single species and we all are kidding ourselves by pretending otherwise. What the heck is going [...]

Best Bird of the Weekend (Second Weekend of 2012)

By January 9, 2012 17 comments

Just two weekends into 2012, I already love this year. No doubt the weather has something to do with it; Rochester, NY may historically be one of the United States’ snowiest metropolitan areas, but we’ve been basking in almost vernal weather. Plus my New York Football Giants just advanced in the first round of the NFL playoffs. [...]

Vagrant Mountain Bluebirds Are Sticking Around

By January 8, 2012 2 comments

As of today, 8 January 2012, the Mountain Bluebirds in New York’s Suffolk County and Ontario’s Wellington County are both being seen. Both have stuck it out for awhile now and neither shows any signs of moving on, odd for birds that, from what I understand, tend to stick for a brief time when they [...]

Operation Migration Grounded

By January 8, 2012 1 comment

Here’s hoping they get off the ground again soon!

Rain arrives in Roebuck Bay

By January 8, 2012 9 comments

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Goliath Herons at Lake Panic

By January 7, 2012 5 comments

The evocatively named Lake Panic is overlooked by a thatched, rustic style hide in one of the most delicious settings that a birder is ever likely to encounter. The bird life of Kruger National Park appears to be distilled into a small area surrounding the hide and they seem oblivious to the observers with their battery [...]

On Not Chasing Grace’s Warbler

By January 6, 2012 12 comments

I got word of the Grace’s Warbler a bit late in the game. This is no one’s fault but my own; had I partied a bit less hearty on New Year’s Eve, I would have stuck with my original plan of going birding on January 1, which in turn would have led me to check [...]

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