@cnntech Airlines experiment with algae and cooking oil: http://t.co/CcRHdKuO by @jdsutter

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@CNNMoneyTech Cop car of the future - more eyes and ears http://t.co/Yw56RtZf #tech

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@cnntech Silicon Valley companies are fighting to keep diversity data secret http://t.co/f308Nzth

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@cnntech Apple: No plans to bring Siri to older devices -- http://t.co/YA8Owhe7 #cnn #iphone

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@CNNMoneyTech Stumble this! Follow our new channel on @StumbleUpon: http://t.co/Ehvrcb10

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@CNNMoneyTech How diverse are Silicon Valley's offices? We don't know -- companies are fighting to keep the data secret http://t.co/RhgjAk58

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@cnntech RT @jdsutter: Blind man uses his ears to see: http://t.co/ZFB7eq3y (from @poptech w/video from @AncilCNN)

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@CNNMoneyTech RT @CNNMoney: We are on Google+: http://t.co/TKnxQMbe. Come circle us!

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@CNNMoneyTech Microsoft, Yahoo & AOL announce partnership for buying & selling of each others' online ad space. http://t.co/IYlnQh6v

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@cnntech Check out or new innovation- and future-focused blog! It's called What's Next: http://t.co/iIb8Lbi0 Let us know what you think!

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Review: 'Modern Warfare 3' hits all the right notes

"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3" continues the franchise's tradition of high action, detailed fighting and a highly competitive multiplayer mode while still trying to let players play the way they want. FULL STORY

By Larry Frum, Special to CNN

Filed under: Gaming & Gadgets

Silicon Valley fights to keep its diversity data secret CNNMoney.com

How diverse are Silicon Valley's offices and executive suites? Activists have been trying for years to answer that question, but some of the industry's largest and most influential employers -- including Apple, Google, Amazon and Facebook -- closely… FULL STORY

Julianne Pepitone

Filed under: Tech Biz

Apple: Siri is not coming to older devices

Smartphone owners hoping to talk to their iPhone 4 or 3GS about the weather, their schedule or the meaning of life appear to be out of luck. FULL STORY

Doug Gross
By Doug Gross, CNN

Filed under: Mobile

Report: Verizon offers nation's fastest 4G service

Forget the 4G marketing hype. Which U.S. carriers really offer the fastest mobile-data networks? According to a new report from RootMetrics (a company which conducts its own field tests of wireless networks), Verizon Wireless currently offers the nation's fastest 4G -- by far. FULL STORY

By Amy Gahran, Special to CNN

Filed under: Mobile

Can we make rain with lasers?

World water use is increasing faster than our world population. The tiny island nation of Tuvalu has been crippled by drought and may be just the first island nation to run dry. Texas has been hit by massive dust storms thanks to that state's record drought. That's just a drop in the bucket in current drought news, and… FULL STORY

By Derek Mead, Motherboard.tv Senior Editor

Filed under: Innovation

Microsoft, Yahoo and AOL partner up CNNMoney.com

Microsoft Corp., Yahoo and AOL announced a partnership for the buying and selling of each others' online ad space. FULL STORY

Aaron Smith

Filed under: Tech Biz

Silicon Valley's EEO-1 diversity data CNNMoney.com

Every U.S. company with more than 100 employees is required to file a one-page form each year with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, an independent federal agency. Called the EEO-1, the form categorizes each company's U.S. workers by their… FULL STORY

Julianne Pepitone

Filed under: Tech Biz

Robot army helps run warehouses

The future of warehouses may be one with fast shipments and few human employees if robots like Kiva Systems continue to invade the workspace. FULL VIDEO

Source: CNN

Filed under: Innovation

Researcher: iPhone bug could let hackers steal photos, contacts and send texts

A bug in Apple's mobile operating system allows hackers to take control of iPhone and iPad apps, using them to steal people's photos, contacts and even send text messages without the device's user knowing about it, according to a notable computer security researcher. FULL STORY

John D. Sutter
By John D. Sutter, CNN

Filed under: Mobile

Facebook is now too big to buy CNNMoney.com

Yahoo, Google and Microsoft have all toyed over the years with acquiring Facebook, but those days are long gone: The company is now too big to buy, according to its top executives. FULL STORY

Julianne Pepitone

Filed under: Tech Biz

Consumer Reports: No battery-life problems with iPhone 4S

Despite complaints by some owners about underwhelming battery life, the iPhone 4S scored "very well" in tests of its battery performance by Consumer Reports, which gave the device its official blessing Tuesday. FULL STORY

Brandon Griggs
By Brandon Griggs, CNN

Filed under: Mobile

How Chinese activist Ai Weiwei became an Internet master

His fans are literally throwing money at him. FULL STORY

John D. Sutter
By John D. Sutter, CNN

Filed under: Innovation

Why can't Americans vote online?

Tuesday is Election Day in the United States, and although the mostly state and local races won't stir the same passions as next year's presidential contest, millions of people will cast ballots. FULL STORY

Doug Gross
By Doug Gross, CNN

Filed under: Web

What advice did Steve Jobs give to Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg?

Mark Zuckerberg says he asked Steve Jobs about how to build a high-quality team and great products, but denies Apple and Facebook ever talked about an acquisition. FULL STORY

By Ben Parr, Mashable

Filed under: Innovation

Facebook's Zuckerberg visits old stomping grounds at Harvard

Mark Zuckerberg went back to Harvard on Monday on a recruiting trip, his first visit since he dropped out of the prestigious university to found social-media giant Facebook. FULL STORY

John D. Sutter
By John D. Sutter, CNN

Filed under: Social Media

Call it "Occupy Facebook." Or, perhaps, "UnOccupy Facebook;" entrepreneurs have launched an upstart site called Unthink. FULL STORY

It has a meeting room named after a New Zealand rugby legend, but the NZI Centre presents a sleeker appearance on the streets of Auckland. FULL STORY

A new medical invention which harnesses the power of smartphone technology could revolutionize the treatment of heart patients, according to researchers in Switzerland. FULL STORY


The Wild Web

Two minutes of Facebook horror
"A sweaty, wild-eyed man in a stained undershirt hunches over his computer in a shadowy basement." FULL STORY

The Wild Web comes out every Monday

Gadgets & Gaming

'Battlefield 3' fights for top title
"Electronic Arts went so far as to state that it was gunning for 'Call of Duty's' market share, with some pretty strong words."FULL STORY

Gadgets & Gaming comes out every Tuesday

Mobile Watch

Who exactly uses tablets?
"Owners of iPads and other tablet devices tend to be news junkies who are wealthier and more highly educated." FULL STORY

Mobile Watch comes out every Wednesday

Social Circles

Live, and die, like Steve Jobs
"Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes."FULL STORY

Social Circles comes out every Thursday

CNN Tech Lab

Flickr can save the whales
"Wait much longer than you think you should to click the shutter... just before the whale dives back down." FULL STORY

CNN Tech Lab comes out every Friday

Five apps that celebrate laziness

Five apps that celebrate laziness Do you need zombies to motivate you to exercise? Here are five apps tailored for the more malaise-laden among us. FULL STORY

The Atlantic | Nov 8, 2011

Virtual goods company Nexon is going public

The Korean gaming company Nexon is one of the most underrated Internet companies in the world. Nexon was, it is fair to say, the first company to experience massive success with a business model built on selling virtual items. FULL STORY

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