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UNDP Zimbabwe provides support to the Ministry of Economic Planning and Investment Promotion

9 April 2009

The UNDP Zimbabwe has donated to the Ministry of Economic Planning and Investment Promotion equipment to begin and expedite work on Early Recovery and to embark on the process of developing an economic Medium Term Plan.  A brief asset hand over ceremony took place on the 9th April 2009 at the Ministry. Handover assets included 20 desk top computers, 2 laptops, 7 printers, 10 flash disks and bond paper.

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A Refreshing Experience with Women Engaged in Economic Empowerment Activities in the Rural Communities .

10 March 2009

UNDP Country Office is supporting the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Gender and Community Development in empowering women economically. The initiative, which is a component of the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Project, is being implemented in collaboration with Community Based Organisations, NGOs, Business Advisory Services and Local authorities. This intervention seeks to amongst other things, operationalise policy instruments such as the UNDP Gender Strategy 2008-2011 and the National Gender Policy. These instruments, together with other international, regional and national frameworks place emphasis on economic empowerment of women as the key strategy to promote gender equality as well as eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.

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Does “Traditional Medicinal Plant Species” hold the future health sector in Zimbabwe?

10 February 2009


Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown has resulted in large sections of the population being unable to afford conventional allopathic medicines. Evidence from recent evaluations conducted with community groups participating in biodiversity initiative, indicated that more and more people, including those that previously did not use traditional medicine, were now making use of this alternative traditional system.
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UNV supports cleaning campaign in Norton

Community Volunteers preparing for the cleaning exercise30th of January 2009

Around 170 youth and community volunteers where mobilized to carry out the Norton cleaning campaign, running under the theme “cleaning my space is my responsibility.” The UN Volunteer programme through Simuka Africa supported this campaign financially and logistically. The clean up campaign that was covered by ZBC is a response to piling refuse within Norton residential areas against a background of cholera outbreak that has claimed lives of more than 40 people in the area. The campaign was well coordinated and included representatives of Norton Town council, that provided equipment for the campaign, Ministry of Health, National Aids Council and Ministry of Youth Development and Employment Creation.

Last Updated on Thursday, 30 April 2009 08:37
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