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Collage: Geology highlight, pick and coal sample
Collage: Geochemistry hightlight, oil chemical illustration
Collage: word "Assessments" on rock face
Collage: Generalized cross section showing the type of lateral and horizontal variation found in Wyodak-Anderson coal in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming and Montana. From: USGS Open-File Report 98-0789-B



Energy Program Inquiries

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Energy Research and News


National Oil and Gas Assessment:

NEW Economic analysis of the 2010 U.S. Geological Survey assessment of undiscovered oil and gas in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska
Open-File Report 2011-1103 | Press Release (5/4/2011)
Podcast (Episode 155) | National Oil and Gas Assessment

2010 Updated Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPRA)
Fact Sheet 2010-3102| Press Release (10/26/10)
Podcast (Episode 134) | Slide Show Slide Presentation: Flash Document (17MB) or PDF (10MB)
National Oil and Gas Assessment

Assessment of Undiscovered Natural Gas Resources of the Arkoma Basin Province and Geologically Related Areas
Fact Sheet 2010-3043 | National Oil and Gas Assessment

Petroleum Systems and Geologic Assessment of Oil and Gas in the Bighorn Basin Province, Wyoming and Montana
Digital Data Series 069-V | National Oil and Gas Assessment

Total Petroleum Systems and Geologic Assessment of Oil and Gas Resources in the Powder River Basin Province, Wyoming and Montana
Digital Data Series 069-U | National Oil and Gas Assessment

Download GIS data for: Northern Alaska, Province 5001 (Province 01) | National Oil and Gas Assessment

Assessment of Undiscovered Oil Resources in the Devonian-Mississippian Bakken Formation, Williston Basin Province, Montana and North Dakota, 2008:
Read FAQs about the Bakken Formation.
Fact Sheet 2008-3021 | Press Release (4/10/08) | Podcast (Episode 38)
Assessment GIS Data | Slide Show Slide Presentation: Flash Document (1.39 MB) or PDF (3 MB)
Open-File Report 2008–1353 (Posters) National Oil and Gas Assessment

Geologic Carbon Sequestration:

The Concept of Geologic Carbon Sequestration
Fact Sheet 2010–3122 (3/11)
Geologic Carbon Sequestration Website

New Method to Gauge Nation’s CO2 Storage Potential
Open-File Report 2010–1127 | Technical Announcement (7/6/10)
Department of the Interior Announcement (7/9/10)
Geologic Carbon Sequestration Website

Geologic Carbon Sequestration Assessment Methodology
Open-File 2009–1035 | Press Release (3/16/09) | Podcast (Episode 89)
Geologic Carbon Sequestration Website

World Petroleum Assessment:

Nile Delta Natural Gas Potential is Significant
Fact Sheet 2010–3027 | Technical Announcement (5/18/10)
World Petroleum Assessment

Natural Gas Potential Assessed in Eastern Mediterranean
Fact Sheet 2010–3014 | Press Release (4/8/2010)
World Petroleum Assessment

An Estimate of Recoverable Heavy Oil Resources of the Orinoco Oil Belt, Venezuela
Fact Sheet 2009–3028 | Technical Announcement (1/22/10)
World Petroleum Assessment

Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of Southeast Asia, 2010
Fact Sheet 2010–3015 | World Petroleum Assessment

Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal: Estimates of Undiscovered Oil and Gas North of the Arctic Circle
Fact Sheet 2008-3049| Press Release (7/23/08)
Podcast (Episode 55) | Slide Show Slide Presentation (Flash document 4.39 MB)
Circum-Arctic Assessment Website

Gas Hydrates:

USGS Contribution to AAPG Memoir on Gas Hydrates: In the December of 2009, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) published a comprehensive treatise on the geology of gas hydrates which is entitled Natural Gas Hydrates – Energy Resource Potential and Associated Hazards

Significant Gas Resource Discovered in U.S. Gulf of Mexico
Press Release (5/29/09) | Gas Hydrates Website

Assessment of Gas Hydrate Resources on the North Slope, Alaska, 2008
Fact Sheet 2008-3073| Press Release (11/12/08) | Podcast (Episode 74)
Slide Show Slide Presentation (Flash document 10.6 MB)
Gas Hydrates Website


NEW Temperature Data From Wells in Long Valley Caldera, California
Data Series 523 | Geothermal Website

Assessment of Moderate- and High-Temperature Geothermal Resources of the United States
Fact Sheet 2008-3082| Press Release (9/29/08)
Slide Show Slide Presentation (Flash document 1.44 MB)
Methodology Summary: Open-File Report 2008-1296
KQED QUEST TV story, "Geothermal Heats Up" featuring USGS Scientist, Colin Williams
Geothermal Website

Oil Shale:

NEW Oil Shale and Nahcolite Resources of the Piceance Basin, Colorado
Digital Data Series 069-Y | National Oil and Gas Assessment

NEW Oil Shale Resources of the Uinta Basin, Utah and Colorado
Digital Data Series 069-BB | National Oil and Gas Assessment

Oil Shale Assessment in the Green River Formation, Piceance Basin, Northwestern Colorado
Technical Announcement (4/2/09)
Fact Sheet 2009-3012| Fact Sheet 2009-3011
Slide Show Slide Presentation (Flash document 5.8 MB)

Health & Environment:

Coal and Human Health Podcast (Episode 103)
Heath and Environment Website

More Highlights

Hydrological, Geological, and Biological Site Characterization of Breccia Pipe Uranium Deposits in Northern Arizona
Scientific Investigations Report 2010–5025 | Press Release (2/10/10)

The U.S. Domestic Energy Resource Base – An Overview
A presentation given at the July 16, 2008, USEA Energy Supply Forum.
Slide Show Slide Presentation (Flash document 13.5 MB)

Geochemical Data Quality Control Issue:
Quality control issue identified with some geochemical data produced by the Denver Energy Geochemical Laboratory from 1996-2008.
Learn More. . .
Energy Geochemical Laboratory Website
(provides a list of analyses that have been scheduled for review)


Open File 2011-1103

Economic analysis of the 2010
U.S. Geological Survey assessment of undiscovered oil and gas in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska



Recent Publications Icon FEATURES

The U.S. Geological Survey Energy Resources Program, October 2010
Fact Sheet 2010–3100

USGS Science and the Energy Policy Act of 2005

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (Public Law 109-58, Sec. 351) established the the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program (NGGDPP) in the USGS: Data Preservation Report (PDF - 1.11 MB) | NGGDPP Website



National Assessment of Oil and Gas Resources (NOGA)

World Petroleum Assessment

National Coal Assessment

Alaska Studies

Gas Hydrates

Gulf Coast



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