reegle Blog

Weblog of reegle – Information Gateway for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency

A happy, healthy and successful 2012 to all of you! Here we go with the first Events Listing of the year – events over the next three months in Sofia, Mexico City, Amsterdam and online, and starting next week in Abu Dhabi, where I will be going. Also, if you’re working in Southern or East Africa and you’re looking for project funding, click ‘read more’ and scroll down to see the last item.

Welcome to the sunny side

“Large-scale solar projects are moving closer to gridA grid is a network of transmission lines, usually to distribute electric power . parity compared with conventional powerUseful energy can be mechanical energy, for example powering a fan., and rooftop solar is also becoming competitive with utility prices in a number of markets today, such as Italy, Turkey and Portugal, and will be in almost all sunny countries by 2015.” That’s according to Michael Liebreich, Chief Executive of Bloomberg New Energy Finance, whose company sees the cost of solar energySolar energy is the light and radiant heat from the Sun that influences Earth's climate and weather and sustains life. For solar energy as a source for renewable energy, look up photovoltaics (solar power) or solar thermal energy. modules plummeting by 76 per cent in just three years. Liebreich will moderate a special session on financing strategies at the World Future Energy Summit, next week (16-19 Jan) in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

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A five-year programme rewards entrepreneurship across East Africa by supporting micro-businesses to establish energyThe ability to perform work, mainly kinetic, potential, thermal energy, but also in forms of gravitational, sound, elastic and electromagnetic energy. services and create employment opportunities in rural areas.

Willy Bamwenyena, 25, stands out as a young resourceful entrepreneur, who has been able to identify the energy gap in his community, in rural Uganda, and turned the need into a business opportunity. The GVEP-led Developing Energy Enterprise Project (DEEP) has boosted his business – and that of hundreds of other entrepreneurs across East Africa – to make and sell energy efficient cook-stovesCooking is a basic energy need; in underdevloped parts of the world fulfilling this need often takes up a large chunk og income and/or is very time-consuming. Indoor air pollution is another concern with traditional cook stoves..

Willy’s firewoodCollecting and/or buying firewood consumes large amounts of time and income in developing countries. Indoor pollution is a health concern with traditional fireplaces. burning stoves are made from locally available materials such anthill soil and clay. The stoves are popular with many householders in Sissa, and up to 90% now own one. A key reason behind their success is that they are affordable and more energy efficient compared to the traditional 3-stone fireplace. In the long run, stove-owners save money that would have been spent buying firewood; and time – spent drying or collecting firewood. The stoves also reduce indoor air pollutionIndoor pollution is often caused by cooking over open fires and affects the health of women and children most. considerably, hence decreasing the chronic health illnesses associated with the emissionEmissions of greenhouse gases, greenhouse gas precursors, and aerosols associated with human activities, including the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, land-use changes, livestock, fertilisation, etc. (IPCC) of harmful fumes from open fires. Read more

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If we want to accelerate the transition to low-carbon societies and support those who will be affected most by the impacts of climate change it is crucial that organizations, partnerships and NGOs team up and support each other.

Today I want to bring some attention to another Partnership engaged in the plight to limit global warmingHuman activities are adding greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, to the atmosphere, which are enhancing the natural greenhouse effect. While the natural greenhouse effect is keeping average temperature on earth at about +15°C, this enhanced greenhouse effect ... and the problems arising through climate changeClimate change is a lasting change in weather patterns over long periods of time. It can be a natural phenomena and and has occurred on Earth even before people inhabited it. Quite different is a current situation that is also referred to as climate change, anthropogenic climate change, or .... Their work is an important contribution and a great source of knowledge for those active in our fields.

The AdaptationAdjustments in human and natural systems, in response to actual or expected climate stimuli or their effects, that moderate harm or exploit beneficial opportunities. (IPPC) Partnership sees its role in the encouragement of effective adaptation through provision of a platform to catalyze action and improve communication among the organizations and stakeholders involved with climate change adaptation and resilience around the world. Chairs of the Adaptation Partnership are held by Costa Rica, Spain, and United States of America. Read more

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REEEP has been successfully funding and supporting projects in renewable energyRenewable energy is power generated from infinite sources, such as wind or solar power. Conventional energy is generated from finite sources, such as natural gas or fossil oil. and energy efficiencyUsing less energy/electricity to perform the same function. Programs designed to use electricity more efficiently - doing the same with less. for several years now. Valuing and evaluating implemented projects is a crucial success factor when trying to secure further support and to attract funding. While hard outcomes, like CO2 emissionsCarbon dioxide (CO2) is emitted in several ways. Naturally through the carbon cycle and through human activities like the burning of fossil fuels. These human activities have increased CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere since the beginning of the industrial revolution and these high ..., are rather straightforward to measure, soft outcomes, which most REEEPThe Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) is a non-profit, specialist change agent aiming to catalyse the market for renewable energy and energy efficiency, with a primary focus on emerging markets and developing countries. projects produce, are much more difficult to measure and value.

Simon Hearn, a Research Officer at the Overseas Development Institute will be leading this pilot alongside Pearse Cullinane from the REEEP International Secretariat here in Vienna to establish Project Outcome Mapping as part of the REEEP project cycle.

Project Outcome Mapping is the planning, monitoring and evaluating of behavioral and social changes. This type of evaluation is located somewhere between the immediate outputs (of a training for example) and the long-term impacts.

The principles of this type of Project Outcome Mapping are:

  1. Contribution to results (rather than attribution)
  2. Influence rather than control; how people actually use research or systems is often out of control and depends on other influences
  3. The project implementer  is only one of multiple actors where some are in the same domain and some even have opposing agendas
  4. Outcomes are defined as changes in behavior of the target audience beyond direct  output but not quite long-term impactsrecycle.gif

It is a system to monitor these changes, and make them known to REEEP without adding burden for the implementers. The idea is a word form to be filled out which will later become part of REEEP’s PMIS (Project Management Information System). Pilots of such forms have already been put together.

Triggering behavioral change as an impact of a project requires a new way of thinking. The project planning form is thought to be filled out by project implementers at the beginning of a project translating information from project proposals into a new perspective.

The project planning form consists of separate fields to describe the goals, the approach, the stakeholders and the desired change hoped to be triggered.  It is expected that filling out and considering these points will ensure that the right direction to reach the anticipated goal is taken and possibly some refinements are made early during the project cycle. Goals, approachesCore to livelihoods approaches are a set of principles that underpin best practice in any development intervention: *People-centred *Responsive and participatory *Multi-level *Conducted in partnership * Sustainable *Dynamic, stakeholders and desired changes are all connected and influence each other and by creating the right networks impacts can be amplified and increased.

The desired changes will be developing as gradual steps, by planting seeds into early adopters and opinion leaders. They later spread the word and increase activity and influence. When new roles are established and people are engaged in fulfilling them, a project becomes sustainable.

And at the end of the day, even seemingly “hard outcomes”, like the number of cooking stovesCooking is a basic energy need; in underdevloped parts of the world fulfilling this need often takes up a large chunk og income and/or is very time-consuming. Indoor air pollution is another concern with traditional cook stoves. supplied, have a “soft outcome” component – because people need to actually integrate those stoves into their daily kitchen routine and use them.

Right now several of REEEP’s project partners are involved in the process of developing a sensible way to integrate Project Outcome Mapping into future REEEP project calls.

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Last week another COPConference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). came to an inconclusive close. Last month an era at REEEPThe Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) is a non-profit, specialist change agent aiming to catalyse the market for renewable energy and energy efficiency, with a primary focus on emerging markets and developing countries. ended with the retirement of our original Director General. Last year we had no idea of the scale of events that would take place in 2011, both natural and human-led, producing the potential for huge changes in the way we live our lives. The move to a clean energy system needs to be one of those changes.

Last Clean EnergyThe ability to perform work, mainly kinetic, potential, thermal energy, but also in forms of gravitational, sound, elastic and electromagnetic energy. Events Listing of 2011 coming up:

Looking to the future

Moving to a totally clean energy system is going to be the 21st century equivalent of cathedral building – it’s going to take a lot of time and effort so we need to do some serious future-gazing. The European Commission has just unveiled its Energy Roadmap 2050, looking at how we can cut emissionsEmissions of greenhouse gases, greenhouse gas precursors, and aerosols associated with human activities, including the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, land-use changes, livestock, fertilisation, etc. (IPCC) by over 80% by 2050 without disrupting energy supplies and competitiveness.

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To ensure the EU is on path to sustainable growth the Union must strengthen its innovative potential and use its resources in the best possible way. Public data such  as geographical information, statistics, weatherWeather refers to the state of the atmosphere with regard to temperature, cloudiness, rainfall, wind, and other meteorological conditions. (UKCIP) data and data from publicly funded research projects are part of these resources.

Currently the situation is rather unsatisfying in that most of this data is still untapped yet the potential for re-use in new products and services could trigger innovation. Economic gains could amount to € 40 billion if this valuable raw material – public data – will become open. Read more

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