They Spied on William Daily Insider: A report reveals that Prince William was spied on and Chelsea Clinton interviews Bill on his new book. View Gallery »Pippa's New Doll Will the Pippa Middleton doll capture hearts, too? The Daily Beast doubts it. Read Story »Back to School Mark Zuckerberg made his first official visit to Harvard, his former school, yesterday. The Daily Beast reports. Read Story »Their Younger Days Our favorite photos of power players in their awkward teen years, including 2012 GOP candidates like Michele Bachmann. View Gallery »Onscreen Mayors A look at some our favorite fictional mayors. View Gallery »$31k for a Tooth Lennon's tooth sold for $31,200, so we round up pop culture artifacts fetch the big bucks. View Gallery »A Casting Crisis? Leo as J.Edgar Hoover will soon hit theaters, so you decide whether these celebs look like the historical figures they were picked to play. View Gallery »Flotus Fashion First Lady Michelle Obama shows the rest of us how to dress to the nines for any occasion. View Gallery »Her Greatest Hits From Heman Cain accuser Sharon Bialek to Rachel Uchitel, the big names Gloria Allred has represented. View Gallery »Pricey Accidents High-priced accidents cost these VIPs their expensive toys. View Gallery »Cain's Accuser Speaks Sharon Bialek went public with allegations against Herman Cain today, so we look at the women at the center of politcal sex scandals. View Gallery »Truth to Rumors? Is there truth to the pregnancy rumor surrounding Kate Middleton? The Daily Beast examines. Read Story »States That Care Which states have the most engaged residents? Take a look and see. View Gallery »No 'Fornicating'? Prince Harry has reportedly been told by an Arizona mayor not to keep up his partying ways while stationed in the desert. Read Story »FLOTUS Face Off Who wore it best? We pit the first lady against the spouses of the GOP candidates to see whose fashion is best. View Gallery »Playing Princess Diana Daily Insider: American actress Jessica Chastain will play Princess Diana and the White House Chief of Staff will share duties. View Gallery »Doin' It in Public As daily deal site Groupon goes public, we take a look at pricey Silicon Valley IPOs as well as those in the pipeline. View Gallery »Her Crazy Year As Maria Shriver celebrates her 56th birthday on Nov. 6, we round up her highs and lows from the past year. View Gallery »CIA on twitter Obama has a special task force of "vengeful librarians" prowling social media for useful info. View Gallery »Cannes Party? As world leaders flood Cannes for the annual G20 summit, we round up the hot spots they should hit up during breaks from solving the world's financial crises. View Gallery »2007 vs. 2011 As the Republican primaries heat up, Powerwall compares this year's primary season with that of 2007. View Gallery »Pippa Under Fire A party planning book has put Britain's 'it' girl under fire for the first time. More from The Daily Beast. Read Story »A Fourth Accuser Powerhouse lawyer Gloria Allred will accompany a fourth Herman Cain accuser in a press conference today. Plus more in the Daily Insider. View Gallery »Huntsman's Girls The trailblazing Huntsman girls take a break from tweeting to sit down with The Daily Beast. Read Story »More Madoff Secrets Bernie's son, Andrew Madoff, opens up about his father, the book and more in an interview with The Daily Beast. Read Story »A Pregnant Kate? Daily Insider: Pregnancy rumors are swirling around Duchess Kate and a Herman Cain accuser could come forward today. View Gallery »Getting Divorced As news of Kim K.'s divorce swirls, we look at the powerful divorcees who may soon welcome her into their ranks. View Gallery »Paid Off His Accuser? Herman Cain battles sexual assault allegations and new reports that he paid off his accuser. View Gallery »Born to Run Just in time for the New York City Marathon on Nov. 6, a look at politicians who run for more than just elected office. View Gallery »Who is Gloria? Gloria Cain is finally speaking up. The Daily Beast on why. Read Story »Cashing in on OWS Kanye's publicity isn't the only thing to profit from OWS. A book, an MTV show, an app, and more: We look at who's cashing in on the protest. View Gallery »Socialites Battle The Hilton and Eccestone sisters face-off in the ultimate socialite battle. View Gallery »Cain's Controversy Powerwall's favorite cartoonists explain the weeks headlines. View Gallery »Will and Kate in Denmark Will and Kate are in Copenhagen visiting a UNICEF relief centre, so we round up photos of their trip. View Gallery »D.C.'s Favorite Will Ferrell's Kennedy Center award ceremony will air on Oct. 31, so we picked out our favorite SNL political impersonations. View Gallery »Corzine's Crash Former New Jersery Gov. Jon Corzine's financial disaster is another failure on Wall Street for the former pol, says The Daily Beast. Read Story »Michele's Melting Cartoonists break down the GOP presidential candidate updates, from Bachmann's floundering numbers to Rick Perry's unraveling. View Gallery »Gabby Looks Back Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly are releasing a joint-memoir on Nov. 15, so we look at the other recent political memoirs. View Gallery »Remembering JFK As Chris Matthews' new Kennedy book hits shelves, we offer a look at memorable moments from JFK's White House years. View Gallery »His New Gig Schwarzenegger will start shooting his newest action flick, Black Sand, in April. Read Story »The Winklevii Get Glossy Daily Insider: The Winkloss twins get a 'Vanity Fair' feature and a model tells of passion with Gadhafi's son. View Gallery »Forbes Like Perry Steve Forbes has thrown his support behind Rick Perry for prez. The Daily Beast sits down with Forbes. Read Story »A Tea Party! Powerwall offers an exclusive first look at a new Tea Party comic due out in December. Read Story »Women on Top For the first time ever, a woman will be head of IBM, so we round up the most powerful female CEOs. View Gallery »Britain's Billion $$ Girl In honor of British heiress Tamara Ecclestone new reality show, Billion $$ Girl, we've rounded up the Ecclestone sisters' most extravagant purchases. View Gallery »Barack's Buddy Scarlett Johansson has pledged to stump for Obama again, so we look at the POTUS's many celebrity supporters. View Gallery »Cancer Survivors For Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we take a look at well-known breast cancer survivors. View Gallery »Remembering Dorothy We take a look back at Hillary's mom's big moments. View Gallery »Turned on Obama From Matt Damon to Angelina Jolie, Hollywood celebs have turned against President Obama over the last three years. View Gallery »Hide and Seek Gadhafi was burrowed in a drainage tunnel before he was finally captured and killed, but he wasn't the only wanted man with a secret hiding spot. View Gallery »A VIP Halloween With Halloween just around the corner, we round up the best VIP costumes. View Gallery »Slimmin' Down Sen. Claire McCaskill announced she shed 50 pounds in five months, so we check out other politicians who have dropped weight. View Gallery »The GOP's Silent Star Jeb Bush isn't ruling out a run for president in 2016. Or being a NFL quarterback, for that matter. More from The Daily Beast. Read Story »Fall Fashion VIPs have started gearing up for fall, so we round up the best and worst in the world of high-powered fashion. View Gallery »Smearing Cain? Cain implies Perry's behind the pizza pol's sexual assault controversy, so we face off the two GOP foes. View Gallery » Cain's Payday Daily Intel looks at how Herman Cain is set for a huge payday after his campaign. Read Story » Back to Sweden Daily Insider: Julian Assange is ordered back to Sweden by a British court and one of Herman Cain's accusers wants to speak out. View Gallery » What a Catch! Condi Rice just published her second memoir, so we round up what other accolades makes her a great catch! View Gallery » An Amazing Mom Dorothy Howell Rodham, who died Tuesday, overcame a heartbreaking childhood to give her daughter the life she never had. Read Story » Trump's Gamble? Daily Insider: Trump looks to cash in on online gambling and the FBI releases video of spy Anna Chapman. View Gallery » Hallo-Weiner Dressing up as Lady Gaga for Halloween is so 2010, so we offer up some headline-inspired costumes. View Gallery » Nice Legs! From Bill Clinton to Sarah Palin, see other politicians wearing short shorts. View Gallery » His Last Words Daily Insider: Steve Jobs' final words are revealed and Herman Cain was accused of inappropriate behavior in the 90s. View Gallery » Arctic Base Facebook is opening a data center in arctic Sweden, so we look at the tricked-out tech campuses where we'd rather work. View Gallery » Feeling 'Tired' Herman Cain is slowing down his campaign because he feels 'tired.' More from The Daily Beast. Read Story » Happy Bday, Bill! The billionaire computer genius and philanthropist turns 56 on Oct. 28, so we look back at his life. View Gallery » Irons Shoelaces Daily Insider: A new book dishes on the quirky British royals and former aides tell of Cain campaign chaos. View Gallery » Wahlburgers The Wahlberg's Boston burger joint just opened. Plus, find out which other power players have opened restaurants. View Gallery » Colbert-Approved Huntsman asked the Comedy Central host to be his running mate, so we look at how Huntsman keeps hanging onto his youth. View Gallery » Messy Divorce Daily Insider: J. Crew exec Jenna Lyons has a messy divorce brewing and M.C. Hammer -- in a political ad. View Gallery » Casting Jobs With Sony acquiring the rights to Walter Isaacson's Steve Jobs book, we pick the Hollywood A-listers best suited to player the Apple co-founder. View Gallery » Harry's New Gal? Is Prince Harry dating a 26-year-old cocktail waitress? The Daily Beast digs deeper. Read Story » Cate Marries Daily Insider: Cate Edwards marries and was Moammar Gadhafi worth $200 billion? View Gallery » On the Mound From presidents to CEOs, a look at powerful first pitches, just in time for the World Series. View Gallery » Scary Boss? They'll berate you, fire you... they may even attack you. Just in time for Halloween, a look at some of the scariest employers of all time. View Gallery » Obama's Buffett Bromance With Warren Buffett headlining an Obama fundraiser this week, we look at the close relationship between the billionaire and the president. View Gallery » The Pressure's Off! Daily Insider: Big succession changes rock the British monarchy and Spotify's Sean Parker says it's not easy being rich. View Gallery » Bar's Undies Investment Bar Refaeli is launching an underwear website, so we take a look at the VIPs who are proving that Silicon Valley isn't just for nerds. View Gallery » Happy Birthday, Hillary! To celebrate Hillary Clinton's birthday, we take a look back through her life. View Gallery » Barack at Night The president makes his fourth appearance on The Tonight Show on Oct. 25, so we roundup Barack's best late-night appearances. View Gallery » Weird Campaign Ad Herman Cain's unusual campaign ad, Jon Huntsman on Colbert Report, and Jon Stewart does his Rick Perry impersonation. Watch Video » Occupies Wall Street Meghan McCain tells about her day at Occupy Wall Street for The Daily Beast. Read Story » Pippa's Latest Looks Kate Middleton's fashionable little sister may not be a princess, but she's pretty stylish nonetheless. View Gallery » Giving it Away We look at the large corporations who shelled out big bucks to charity in 2010. View Gallery » Juicy Madoff Memoir The daughter-in-law of Bernie Madoff, Stephanie, released a memoir Oct. 20. The Daily Beast finds its nine juiciest bits. View Gallery » Most Hated A rundown of the worst companies — including banks, legacy airlines and utilities — on the American Customer Satisfaction Index. View Gallery » Queen Down Under As Queen Elizabeth II continues her 11-day tour of Australia, we round up photos of the British monarch down under. View Gallery » Cain's Smoking Man Herman Cain's most recent political ad has people talking. The Daily Beast looks into Mark Block, the ad's smoking man. Read Story » Bachmann Staff Quits Daily Insider: Michele Bachmann's N.H. campaign staff quits and shareholders instill little confidence in the Murdoch clan. View Gallery » Gadhafi Dead Following the death of Moammar Gadhafi, we take a look at the fallen Libyan leader's family tree. View Gallery »