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We Can't Wait

President Obama announces changes to help improve the quality and accountability of Head Start because we can't wait to ensure that our children are prepared for success.

President Obama announces changes to help improve the quality and accountability
President Obama announces changes to help improve the quality and accountability
President Obama announces the next step in his “We Can’t Wait” campaign in Yeadon, Pa., White House Photo, Pete Souza, 11/8/11

Jobs for Veterans

President Barack Obama discusses new tools that will help get veterans back to work and talks about how tax credits in the American Jobs Act will make it easier for businesses to hire veterans.

President Barack Obama discusses ways to help get veterans back to work
President Barack Obama discusses ways to help get veterans back to work
President Barack Obama delivers remarks on new steps to help get veterans back to work, White House Photo, Pete Souza, 11/7/11

Weekly Address

Speaking from the University of Pittsburgh, Vice President Biden argues that this month’s jobs numbers demonstrate that Congress should pass the American Jobs Act to strengthen our economy and create jobs right away.

Vice President Joe Biden tapes the Weekly Address
Vice President Joe Biden tapes the Weekly Address
Vice President Joe Biden tapes the Weekly Address, White House Photo, David Lienemann, 11/4/11

West Wing Week

This week the President continued to urge Congress to pass the American Jobs Act, celebrated Diwali, hosted Halloween, spoke at the Italian American Heritage Gala, signed two Executive Orders, and welcomed NASA Astronauts.

West Wing Week
West Wing Week

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  • We the People

    We the People

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  • The American Jobs Act

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  • White House mobile apps

    White House mobile apps

    With both an iPhone and Android mobile app, Americans can get alerts directly from the White House, check out behind-the-scenes photos and videos, and read the latest news from the blog or the Briefing Room.

  • Joining Forces

    Joining Forces

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  • President Names Richard Cordray to Lead New Agency

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  • The Daily Snapshot

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  • Tax Cut Calculator

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  • West Wing Week

    West Wing Week

    This week the President continued to urge Congress to pass the American Jobs Act, celebrated Diwali, hosted Halloween, spoke at the Italian American Heritage Gala, signed two Executive Orders, and welcomed NASA Astronauts.

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PHOTO of the DAY

President Barack Obama says goodbye to students lining a second floor hallway at the Yeadon Regional Head Start Center in Yeadon, Pa., Nov. 8, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

President Barack Obama says goodbye to students lining a second floor hallway at the Yeadon Regional Head Start Center in Yeadon, Pa., Nov. 8, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

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