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August 09, 2011


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fuel-efficiency standards for trucks

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  • Greyghost


We need to conserve petroleum and work toward using only our fair share globally (world output times U.S. population divided by world population). It goes beyond global warming. The petroleum road, a few decades from now, you don't want to go there, even if today's food is grown with a 9 to 1 investment in petroleum to caloric energy. When Hubbert's Curve bottoms out, if petroleum means agriculture and agriculture means food and the petroleum output is petering out, logically it means resource war and the whole world is involved. Especially as we Americans consume an awful lot of calories, our petroleum footprint is huge.

Start saving petroleum and looking for alternative energy. The social change will require decades. Get started.

I can tell you from my personal experience as a truck driver the current EPA standards for DPF systems are crap. We spend way more in maintenance, and use much more fuel and oil maintaining our DPF truck than any other. Over the course of the 2 years we've had it, we've spent 10-100 times as much as we'd ever see in fuel savings.


I always admire President Obama and his policies. Thanks for this standards for trucks, a huge benefit is expected output. It's really meaningful for many subjects, both in business as well as in society. We will together wait for benefits from these standards that President Obama introduced. Personally, I hope that this action will impact globally and contribute dramatically on the improvement of protecting environment through improving energy security.

. Especially as we Americans consume an awful lot of calories, our petroleum footprint is huge.Start saving petroleum and looking for alternative energy. The social change will require decades. Get started.

So much wasted oil.. we need to change the energy model immediately. This is only a start...

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