Tuesday, July 19, 2011

IT Reform: OPM Identifies IT Program Management Competencies

The competency model will help the government shape a career path for IT program managers.

On July 15, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) released a memorandum to Federal Chief Human Capital Officers detailing a competency model for developing an IT program management career path.

This effort supports the IT Reform Plan, which calls for the Federal Government to “create a specialized career path for IT program managers...[The path] will also require the development of a competency model for IT program management consistent with the IT project manager model.” In May, OPM formally added and defined the IT Program Manager title in the Information Technology Management, 2210 job series.

Competencies Shaped by IT Workforce

Working closely with the Federal CIO Council and the Office of Management and Budget, OPM identified the competencies with the assistance of subject matter experts in the IT program management field. In April, OPM administered a survey to Federal IT program managers and their supervisors. The survey results provided insight on the important competencies, both now and in the future, for IT program managers.

OPM notes that “the competencies identified may be used in such agency efforts as workforce planning, training and development, performance management, recruitment, and selection.”

The competency model will help the government shape a career path for IT program managers. By creating a path for those well-versed in expediting complex, multi-million dollar IT projects, the government can reduce wasteful spending and increase the effectiveness of its IT programs.

View the July 12 OPM Memorandum ›

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