Best Practices IT Management

Federal agencies can improve the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of large-scale IT systems by learning from each other, and by leveraging best practices in the private and public sectors. The CIO Council created and will continue to evolve this Best Practices information-sharing platform to realize those benefits.

Agencies will be aggregating case studies, lessons learned, and other tools here, helping to grow this platform into a robust resource for all Federal IT professionals. This platform implements point 10 from the 25-Point Implementation Plan To Reform Federal IT Management: “Within six months, the Federal CIO Council will develop a collaboration portal to exchange best practices, case studies, and allow for real-time problem-solving.”

Federal agencies have begun developing case studies (below) that demonstrate their use of best practices in managing large-scale IT systems. Please check back for additional case studies, best practices, and other content related to effective IT management.

Executing on the 25-Point Plan

The creation of this Best Practices platform will help institutionalize how Federal agencies share knowledge. Learn about other ways the government is executing IT reforms, as outlined in the 25-Point Implementation Plan.

Featured Case Studies

Explore Best Practices Case Studies

Management Best Practices Committee

The CIO Council has also established a Management Best Practices Committee dedicated to identifying and sharing best practices to support IT management, including key deliverables under the 25-Point Plan. This Committee will take a close look at IT program management, including implementation of agency-level TechStats, and how to better align IT with acquisition and budget activities. It will also maintain the best practices platform for collaboration across government, providing CIOs with the tools they need to increase efficiencies while delivering technological innovation to the American people.