Complete, Turnkey Open Data
Solutions for Government

Your data is a strategic asset. We help you maximize its value to you and to your constituents.

Make it easy for your organization to publish and manage public data

You can achieve your organization’s transparency goals, cost-effectively, by streamlining the data publishing process and automating maintenance and updates. Internal stakeholders, in any department or agency, with little or no technical assistance, become first-class data publishers. While administrators manage the organization’s data in one central location, offer constituents a consistent and privately-branded online experience and get real-time data consumption and citizen engagement metrics.

Maximize the utility of your data assets and make them universally accessible

Go beyond compliance and put your data to work for all your constituents – technical, non-technical, professional and developer. You only publish the data once, but your constituents consume it in many ways: interactively online, using visualizations, via downloads, through an API, or even over the phone! Even better, they are are empowered to distribute the data online and socially enrich it. With every interaction your data becomes more relevant and useful.

A turnkey, cloud-based, proven platform reduces cost, effort and time

In these difficult times for government organizations, every internal resource is stretched thin and capital budgets are very constrained. Yet, constituents and elected officials expect a more open, participatory and responsive government. Socrata helps you fulfill your mandate in the most comprehensive ways, but also save time, effort and money.

Reduce the cost of application development

With the Socrata Open Data API (SODA), you can make it easy for civic application developers and your own IT staff to turn your organization’s data into useful applications and services for your constituents. Build web-based apps, mobile apps, mashups, even IVR- and voice-based applications quickly and cost-effectively.

Explore Public Datasets

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