JSPS Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

JSPS Fellows PlazaJSPS Alumni Association
JSPS Summer Program

The JSPS Summer Program is implemented as a component of the JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers. It provides opportunities for young pre- and post-doctoral researchers from North America and Europe to receive an orientation on Japanese culture and research systems and to pursue research under the guidance of host researchers at Japanese universities and research institutes over a period of two months during the summer.

JSPS seeks cooperation from its overseas partners in recruiting candidates for the program. In implementing this program, our overseas partners are the National Science Foundation (USA), British Council (UK), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique(France),Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (Germany), and the Canadian Embassy in Japan.

  Summer Program 2011
  PDF File
1 Brief History of the Program 5 About the Program
2 Program Flow Chart 6 Financial Support
3 Schedule for the Program 7 List of Nominating Authorities
4 Eligible Host Institutes
Past Programs FY2003 Program FY2008 Program
FY2004 Program FY2009 Program
FY2005 Program FY2010 Program
FY2006 Program
FY2007 Program

This Program is implemented under the joint auspices of JSPS and the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai)

For further information, please contact the Overseas Fellowship Division at the following e-mail address: summer@jsps.go.jp

JSPS Summer Programs head
1.List Brief of the Program

Two summer research programs that had until 2002 been carried out under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) - one titled "MEXT Research Experience Fellowship for Young Foreign Researchers" and the other "MEXT/NSF Summer Program" - have been transferred to JSPS and combined into this program entitled "JSPS Summer Program."

As to the MEXT Research Experience Fellowship for Young Foreign Researchers, it was inaugurated in 1993 as a pilot program implemented by the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai). From 1995, it came under the auspices of MEXT.

At the time the program was started, it was mainly inter-university research institutes that hosted the program's Fellows; with the shift to MEXT, national universities also became host institutions.

As to the MEXT/NSF Summer Program, it was initially implemented under the title "Summer Institute Program" by the Science and Technology Agency through a collaboration between the Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the US.

When the program was taken over by MEXT as part of the Japanese government's administrative reorganization, national laboratories became the main host institutions. Since its transfer to JSPS in 2003, host institutions have been expanded to include national, private, and public universities along with national laboratories and other institutions.

JSPS Summer Programs head
2.About the Program

The program is offered to young pre- and postdoctoral researchers from the five countries of the US, the UK, France, Germany and Canada. Held over a 2-month period in the summer, the program provides the participants with an orientation in Japanese language and culture and an opportunity to do cooperative research at a Japanese university or research institute. The orientation is held at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai) during the first week of the program. It comprises Japanese lessons, home stay and other components (which may vary by year). After the orientation, the participants go to their respective host institutions where they conduct joint research under the guidance of their Japanese host researchers. At the end of August, the participants re-gather before going home to present reports on their summer experiences.

  1. Field of Research
  2. All fields of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences are included under this program. The candidate must either be majoring or conducting research in a related field.

  3. Duration of Program
  4. Fellowships are awarded for a period of two months starting from 14 June through 24 August. For more detailed information regarding the program’s schedule, please refer to the Schedule for the FY2011 program.

  5. Eligibility

  6. 1) Be a citizen or permanent resident of the US, the UK, France, Germany or Canada (Others with equivalent status may apply if approved by the nominating authority in one of the above countries.)
    2) Candidates must fulfill one of the following conditions:
    • Hold a doctorate degree when the program goes into effect, which must have been received within six years prior to April 1 of the said year.
    • Be enrolled in a university graduate program.
      * Not required to hold full-time position.
    3) Candidates must receive advance acceptance from their host researchers.
    4) Candidates must aspire to become a researcher in future.
    * Note: Those who have previously been awarded a fellowship under a JSPS Fellowship Programs are not eligible.
  7. Host Researchers and Host Institutes
  8. The host researcher must be a researcher who is employed full-time or classified as being employed full-time (excluding Jokyo, assistant professors, and Joshu, research assistants) at a university or research institution that is eligible to apply to MEXT for funding under the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific-Research Program (Kakenhi) and approved by JSPS as an appropriate institution for hosting young foreign researchers.

    *See 7. Eligible Host Institutes

  9. Financial Support ( See Financial Support )
    • International travel (Round-trip airfare)
    • Maintenance Allowances (534,000 yen)
      *JSPS will cover the following expenses separately from the allowance: hotel room charges at Narita and Tokyo, and meals and accommodation charges at Sokendai.)
    • Domestic Research Trip Allowance (58,500 yen)
    • Insurance
    • Research-related expenses at the host Institution (Up to 100,000 yen)
      * Subject to change
  10. Application and Selection Procedures
  11. [1] Nomination

    JSPS receives applications for this program only through the foreign nominating authorities listed below. Application procedures may vary somewhat by authority. If you are interested in applying for the program, please contact the nominating authority in your country about the detailed application procedures.
    Country Nominating Authorities Contact Information
    USA National Science Foundation
    List of Nominating Authorities

    British Council Tokyo

    France Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
    Germany Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
    Canada Canadian Embassy in Japan

    [2] Selection

    JSPS asks the prospective host institutions whether they will officially accept the nominees; and upon confirmation, selects the successful applicants, and then notifies the nominating agencies of the results. Concurrently, JSPS sends a formal letter of invitation to each successful applicant through the designated nominating agencies.

  12. Obligation
    • In Principle, Fellows must stay in Japan continuously during the fellowship tenure. If for an unavoidable reason, you must leave Japan, please be sure to ask JSPS’s permission.
    • If a participant should leave Japan during the program without obtaining JSPS’s advance approval or not attend any of the program components such as the orientation, his/her fellowship may be terminated.
    • During your tenure, you are to concentrate on your research related to this program.
    • Before departing Japan, you will be requested to submit a report on the research work you carry out under this program. The format and instructions for submitting the report will be provided.
  13. Other Points to Keep in Mind
    • Obtaining host’s informal acceptance
      To facilitate the selection process, applicants should obtain in advance of applying the informal acceptance of their Japanese host researchers.
    • Lodging Arrangements
      As the allowance provided to Fellows under the program is to cover their subsistence and lodging costs over the entire 2 months period, Fellows are strongly advised to ask their hosts in advance to arrange public domicile, e.g. at international students' lodges or dormitories of the host institution, for them.
    • Pre-departure consultation with host
      Before coming to Japan, Fellows should discuss with their host researchers both their research plan and life in Japan. It is also requested to receive instructions from your host on how to get to your host institution from Sokendai and on when you should arrive.
    • Change of fellowship tenure
      ♦ In principle, neither a shortening or lengthening of the tenure is allowed, except in some cases when due to unavoidable circumstances the fellow must return home early. (In such cases, the unused portion of the fellow’s allowances must be returned to JSPS.)
      ♦ With approval of the host researcher, there are cases when the period of a fellow’s stay in Japan may be extended to a total of 90 days inclusive of the two months of the program. Bear in mind, however, that the maintenance allowance will not be paid during the extended period either before or after the fellowship tenure. If the fellow’s stay exceeds 90 days, his/her return or roundtrip air ticket will be cancelled. Fellows who change the length of their stay must inform both JSPS and the nominating authority in their home country.
    • Form of Joint Research
      If it is thought that a disagreement may occur with regard to intellectual property rights on outcomes (e.g., patents, software) of the joint research, the Fellow, Host and host institution should negotiate and establish an agreement on their disposition in advance.
      That the Fellow understands the collaborative research is to be conducted under the guidance of the Host should be confirmed by the Host in advance. If this should not be the case, the Fellow and Host should discuss and agree upon the form of collaboration in advance.
      When applying for patents or other intellectual property rights, you should first notify your host institution’s administrative office of (1) that you intend to make such application and (2) that the subject research was conducted under this JSPS Fellowship Program. You are advised to confirm in advance the rules and regulations governing patents and other intellectual property rights on research results obtained in Japan or during your fellowship tenure.
    • Others
      The fellowship will be withdrawn and benefits cancelled if a Fellow should either
      ♦ be found to have made a false statement in his/her application documents,
      ♦ the Fellow leaves Japan without JSPS's permission, or does not participate in program components such as the orientation,
      ♦ when JSPS determines it necessary to cancel a fellow’s invitation or withdraw his/her fellowship.
JSPS Summer Programs head
3.Program Flow Chart
01 JSPS sends application guidelines to overseas nominating authorities and requests them to recruit and make nominations.
0203 Nominating authorities recruit and select nominees.
04 Nominating authorities refer nominees to JSPS.
0506 JSPS inquiries to host institutions as to whether they will accept nominees; host institutions reply.
07 JSPS sends out a notice of fellow’s selection to overseas nominating authorities, the host institution, and Sokendai.
0809 JSPS inquiries to host institutions as to where fellows' luggage should be sent; host institutions reply. (Fellows' luggage other than necessary materials for the orientation program shall be directly sent to host institutions from the Narita Airport.)
10 JSPS pays fellows' allowances. (Allowances are deposited in bank account of fellows who have one in Japan. For those who don’t, they are deposited in the host’s bank account.)
1112 Host researchers request JSPS for a research grant; JSPS issues grant.
JSPS Summer Programs head
4.Finacial Support
  • International travel (Round-trip airfare)
      In principle, JSPS will provide the Fellow with a round-trip airfare (a discounted economy ticket), which as a rule will be between the international airport nearest to the institution at which s/he is currently affiliated and Tokyo International Airport. Flight arrangements are made by JSPS’s designated travel agent based on JSPS regulations. However, the Fellow who stays Japan for more than 90 days including the program period would not be provided either his/her outward airfare or his/her homeward airfare.
  • Maintenance Allowances (534,000 yen)

  • Domestic Research Trip Allowance (58,500 yen)
      JSPS will cover the following expenses separately from the allowance: hotel room charges at Narita and Tokyo, and meals and accommodation charges at Sokendai.)
      These allowances may be deposited into the Fellow’s own bank account (only when the fellow has opened a bank account in Japan) or that of his/her host researcher.
  • Insurance
      Under the Overseas Travel Accident Insurance Policy in force JSPS and the designated insurance company, all JSPS fellows are insured collectively during their fellowship tuners in Japan and are eligible to receive accident and sickness benefits under the policy.
    Insurance coverage under the policy is as follows:
    • Injury medical expenses benefit ∼ 3,000,000 yen
    • Injury death benefit or residual disability benefit ~30,000,000 yen
    • Sickness medical expenses benefit ∼ 3,000,000 yen
    • Sickness death benefit ∼ 3,000,000 yen
    • Rescure’s expenses indemnity ∼ 2,000,000 yen
    • Personal liability ∼ 30,000,000 yen
  • Research-related expenses at the host institution
    A research support allowance of up to 100,000 yen is available to the host researcher for the purpose of covering research-related expenses. This allowance may be deposited into the bank account which the Host designates.
JSPS Summer Programs head
5.Schedule for the Program





Jun. 14 ( Tue )


Hotel at NaritaAirport

Arrival on Japan

Jun. 15 ( Wed ) Sokendai Accommodation of the Shonan Village Center

Move from Narita to Sokendai by bus

Opening Ceremony


Jun. 16 ( Thu )

Sokendai Accommodation of the Shonan Village Center Orientation Session

Jun. 17 ( Fri )

Sokendai House of host family Orientation Session

Jun. 18 ( Sat )


House of host family Home-stay Experience

Jun. 19 ( Sun )



Accommodation of the Shonan Village Center

Home-stay Experience

Return to Shonan Village Center

Jun. 20 ( Mon )

Sokendai Accommodation of the Shonan Village Center Orientation Session

Jun. 21 ( Tue )

Host institutions Housing facilities of the host institutions

Move to host institutions

Jun. 22 ( Wed )
-Aug. 22 ( Mon )
Host institutions Housing facilities of the host institutions

Research experience at host institutions

Aug. 23 ( Tue )


Hotel in Tokyo

Move to Tokyo

Research report presentation

Farewell party

Aug. 24 ( Wed )



Departure from Japan

JSPS Summer Programs head
6.List of Nominating Authorities


Country Nominating Authorities Contact Address
USA Tokyo Regional Office of National Science Foundation (NSF) Ms. Akiko CHIBA, Tokyo Regional Office of NSF
URL: http://nsfsi.org/
tel: +81 (0)3 3224 5502
fax: +81 (0)3 3224 5507
e-mail: achiba@nsf.gov
UK British Council Tokyo Science & Environment, British Council Tokyo
URL: http://www.britishcouncil.org/japan-science-research.htm
tel: +81 (0)3 3235 1896
fax: +81 (0)3 3235 8040
e-mail: science@britishcouncil.or.jp
France Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Ms. Monique Benoit, Direction des Relations Internationales-Secteur Asie-Pacifique, CNRS
URL: fax: +33 (0)1-4496-4695
e-mail: monique.benoit@cnrs-dir.fr
Ms. Cécile Asanuma=Brice
CNRS Korea, Taiwan, Japan Branch office assistant
tel: +81 (0)3 3443 8551
fax: +81 (0)3 3443 8552
e-mail: brice@jp.cnrs.fr
Germany Deutscher Akademischer
Austauschdienst (DAAD)
Ms. Stefanie Hellweg, Referat 424, DAAD
URL: http://www.daad.de
tel: +49 (0)228 882 509
fax: +49 (0)228 882 9509
e-mail: hellweg@daad.de
Canada* Canadian Embassy in Japan Mr. G. Mark Scullion,
Counsellor (Innovation, Science & Technology) /
Conseiller (Innovation, Affaires scientifiques et technologiques)
Embassy of Canada / Ambassade du Canada
tel:  +81-(0)3-5412-6320
fax: +81-(0)3-5412-6254
e-mail: g.mark.scullion@international.gc.ca

Ms. Illya Shimizu
Media Relations Officer/Responsable des relations avec les média
Embassy of Canada / Ambassade du Canada
tel:  +81-(0)3-5412-6336
fax: +81-(0)3-5412-6249
email: Illya.Shimizu@International.gc.ca

* As for applications from Canadian researchers, they are recruited and screened by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Successful applications are sent to the Canadian Embassy in Japan, which compiles them and submits nominations to JSPS.
JSPS Summer Programs head
7. Eligible Host Institutes

Japanese national, public or private universities

Research institutions that are eligible to apply to MEXT for funding under the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific-Research Program (Kakenhi) and approved by JSPS as appropriate institutions.*See the List of Eligible Host Institutes

Please confirm the eligibility of other institutes and corporations not listed with JSPS.
Reference : Databese provided by Japan Science and Technology Agency