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International Prize for Biology

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International Prize for Biology

  The International Prize for Biology was instituted in April of 1985 by the Committee on the International Prize for Biology. It aims to commemorate the sixty-year reign of Emperor Showa and his longtime devotion to biological research and also to offer tribute to the present Emperor His Majesty Emperor Akihito, who has strived over many years to advance the study taxonomy of gobioid fishes while contributing continuously to the developing of this Prize. The award ceremony is held in the presence of His Majesty the Emperor.


The 26nd (2010) Award

  On Thursday, October 7, 2010, at a meeting of the Committee on the International Prize for Biology (chaired by Dr. Takashi Sugimura, Secretary General, The Japan Academy) of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science decided to present the 26th (2010) International Prize for Biology to Dr. Nancy Ann Moran, American citizen, Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale University, USA.
  The field of specialization for the 26th Prize is "Biology of Symbiosis." Dr. Moran has contributed greatly to the advancement of the biology of symbiosis in recent years through her studies of intimate coevolutionary relationships between insects and the endosymbiotic bacteria that live within them, studies which have yielded by far the largest number of outstanding research results in this field thanks to Dr. Moran’s versatile approach, which draws on molecular biology, genomics, and experimental and theoretical biology.