
Tensions rise between Obama and Democrats

(Carolyn Kaster / AP)

For the first time in weeks of debt negotiations that have focused on rifts within the GOP, Thursday brought forward long-simmering tensions between Obama and his Democratic allies.


2chambers by Felicia Sonmez

Speaker Boehner’s letter to House Republicans on debt talks

The speaker sent a letter to members of the House Republican conference Friday night as debt talks collapsed.

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Felicia Sonmez

2chambers by Felicia Sonmez

Boehner: Republicans, White House ‘from two different planets’

House Speaker John Boehner said Friday that there’s been “a lot of frustration” in the ongoing talks between the White House and congressional leaders on raising the country’s debt limit.

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Felicia Sonmez

2chambers by Felicia Sonmez

Labor, liberal groups mobilizing against White House on debt deal

Groups are incensed at reports that President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) may be nearing agreement on a debt-ceiling deal that would involve cuts to entitlement programs but no immediate provisions to raise taxes.

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Felicia Sonmez

2chambers by Felicia Sonmez

McConnell: Early progress on trade unlikely

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Friday that it’s unlikely that three key trade deals will make their way through Congress before the August recess.

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Felicia Sonmez

2chambers by Felicia Sonmez

Huckabee to visit Capitol Hill next week

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R) will be visiting Capitol Hill next week.

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Felicia Sonmez

44 Politics & Policy

Bachmann under fire over husband’s clinic

Gay rights group released undercover video showing therapist urging gay client to convert to heterosexuality through prayer.

PostPolitics on Twitter


RT @2chambers: Boehner says he's 'not really interested in a short-term increase of the debt limit.'


#Boehner: "Dealing with the White House is like dealing with a bowl of Jell-O." #debt


#Boehner: "Never once did the president come to the table with a plan." #debt

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Goodbye Orlando & #campaign2012... What's next?


Pawlenty Not 'Ashamed' Now #campaign2012 #p2 #dems


Let the $4 Billion Rumpus Begin! (Gang of Three Edition). A trifecta in the #Campaign2012 adstravaganza.

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Debt talks break down... Time for the President to show us his plan.


Amen Dennis! MT @RepDennisRoss: Can we please stop "new revenue" - they're called taxes. As absurd as "overseas contingency operations"= war


We won't resolve budget impasse til GOP listens to Americans, who want plan of responsible spending cuts AND new revenues #debtceiling

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