The Fix by Chris Cillizza

A lose-lose political proposition

THE FIX | Process has been so unpredictable that predicting the future outcome is a dangerous game.

The Take by Dan Balz

Why British politicians are furious

Why British politicians are furious

The reaction to the phone-hacking scandal combines public outrage over the invasiveness of News of the World and pent-up anger at Britain’s media-political culture.

2chambers by Felicia Sonmez

Speaker Boehner’s letter to House Republicans on debt talks

The speaker sent a letter to members of the House Republican conference Friday night as debt talks collapsed.

44: Politics & Policy

Obama: I should have been more blunt

For President Obama, conceding some mistakes on how he communicated about the economy could be part of a re-election campaign strategy.

More Politics Blogs

Ezra Klein

 Ezra Klein

11 days until disaster, three options to prevent it

Congress needs to raise the debt ceiling. Now.

Ezra Klein


Here’s what we missed.

Ezra Klein

 Ezra Klein

What’s new in the debt deal

Pay attention to the triggers.

The Federal Eye

Formal end of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell' expected

Move means the ban on gay men and lesbians serving openly in uniform will end in late September.

The Plum Line

Liberal surrender and Barack Obama’s choices

The president can’t avoid some political losses.

Right Turn

 Jennifer Rubin

Friday question

Obama’s troubles

The Fix

 Chris Cillizza

A lose-lose political proposition

THE FIX | Process has been so unpredictable that predicting the future outcome is a dangerous game.

The Fix

 Chris Cillizza

Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann and everyone else

The 2012 Republican race is split into three tiers: Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann and everyone else.

The Fix

 Chris Cillizza

Fast Fix: Who is Grover Norquist? (VIDEO)

A look at the man behind the anti-tax pledge.

The Fact Checker

 Glenn Kessler

Fact Checker Favorites: Bogus health care law stats

In today’s installment, we look at the bogus claims that Democrats made about the health-care law when they celebrated its one year anniversary.

Political Bookworm

Is having a sane president bad for the country?

A forthcoming book argues that good mental health makes for poor leadership.

Checkpoint Washington

At Kabul airport, exodus of U.S. aid goes on

New report from inspector general says DHS, Afghan plan to block funds has faltered

Head of Washington nonprofit accused of acting as illegal agent of Pakistani government

Officials allege Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai funneled money from Islamabad for more than 20 years

U.S. recognition of new Libyan government raises tough legal questions

Former State Department legal adviser John Bellinger III says decision went further than that of some allies

Featured Columns

Al Kamen

 Al Kamen

Ethics on the links in Orlando

Al Kamen’s In the Loop column, on an upcoming government ethics conference at an Orlando resort, and more.

Al Kamen

 Al Kamen

In the Loop: Don’t cry for Palmer, Venezuela

Al Kamen’s In the Loop on the latest effort to get a U.S. ambassador to Hugo Chavez’s country, and more.

Al Kamen

 Al Kamen

Cool places, high prices

Al Kamen’s In the Loop, on a BIA budget meeting in Bar Harbor, Maine, and Donald Rumsfeld’s TSA pat-down.

Walter Pincus

 Walter Pincus

Coburn’s cuts: Congress should ‘lead by example’

Walter Pincus takes a closer look at Sen. Tom Coburn’s deficit-reduction proposal.

Walter Pincus

 Walter Pincus

When a visa application gets flagged

Many programs are in place aimed at denying visas to suspect foreign applicants — is there too much redundancy?

Walter Pincus

 Walter Pincus

Study traces terrorism’s newer paths

A new study on jihadist terrorist activities in Europe are now mostly run by independent local groups.

The Federal Eye

 Joe Davidson

Federal employees surveyed on benefits

The Office of Personnel Management wants to find out what federal employees think about their benefits and what Senior Executive Service members think about their career program.

Joe Davidson

 Joe Davidson

Federal unions campaign against cuts

Fearing members will pay more than their fair share to fix the nation’s financial problems, they’re fighting back.

Joe Davidson

 Joe Davidson

Federal workers will take a hit

No matter how the debt crisis ends, federal employees will take a double dose of a bitter pill.

Dana Milbank

 Dana Milbank

Congress equals middle school? Dana Milbank Live

Dana Milbank is recruiting cabin stewards, apologists and Tiffany's liaisons to help Newt Gringrich on his 2012 campaign.

Dana Milbank

 Dana Milbank

The Default Caucus

The Tea Partyers are ready to tank the economy.

Dana Milbank

 Dana Milbank

The new party of Reagan

The Gipper helps make the case for Democrats.

Op-Ed Columnists

Richard Cohen

 Richard Cohen

Murdoch’s pulp friction

The thrill of a good newspaper scandal.


 Richard Cohen

Bachmann the nihilist

She’s certain of her views. But that certainly doesn’t make her right.

Richard cohen

 Richard cohen

Hung by a digital mob

Some perspective on Anthony Weiner.


 Ruth Marcus

A straitjacket for true believers

Grover Norquist tries to clarify his comments to The Post editorial board.

Ruth Marcus

 Ruth Marcus

Over-the-top toys

Just say no to lavish playhouses.


 Ruth Marcus

Grover Norquist’s toothless pledge

Letting the Bush tax cuts lapse does not violate the no new taxes pledge. Just ask Grover Norquist.

Charles Krauthammer

 Charles Krauthammer

The Half-Trillion Plan

The best debt-ceiling fix.

Charles Krauthammer

 Charles Krauthammer

Call his bluff

GOP should force Obama to offer real tax reform.

Charles Krauthammer

 Charles Krauthammer

Deficit flip-flop

Obama goes from do-nothing to demagogue.

Harold Meyerson

 Harold Meyerson

Show us the money

Corporate America’s chokehold on wages.

Harold Meyerson

 Harold Meyerson

Veering right

Obama falls victim to the GOP war on government.

Harold Meyerson

 Harold Meyerson

Zeal run amok

The GOP won’t recognize when it has won.

Katrina vanden Heuvel

 Katrina vanden Heuvel

Gorbachev at 80

Though poorly appreciated at home, the former Russian leader should be honored for his great vision.

Katrina vanden Heuvel

 Katrina vanden Heuvel

Wisconsin - it's about democracy

Unions' fight is the fight of every U.S. worker.

Katrina vanden Heuvel

 Katrina vanden Heuvel

Wisconsin: It’s about democracy

Robert J. Samuelson

 Robert J. Samuelson

Lessons from Latvia

What we can learn from the country’s recovery.

Robert J. Samuelson

 Robert J. Samuelson

Why we’re in this mess

Neither side is rising above its narrow ideology.

Robert J. Samuelson

 Robert J. Samuelson

Unhappy birthday

Radicals, reactionaries and a holiday of gridlock.

Matt Miller

 Matt Miller

GOP’s fuzzy math

Its budget calculations don’t work.

Matt Miller

 Matt Miller

Obama’s choice

What would it take to reach a debt deal?

Matt Miller

 Matt Miller

Democracy lite

Stop the self-praise for merely averting calamity.

Anne Applebaum

 Anne Applebaum

The same old story

In Britain, the News Corp. scandal isn’t shocking.

Anne Applebaum

 Anne Applebaum

Waiting game

Where’s the reform mandate in Tunisia and Egypt?

Anne Applebaum

 Anne Applebaum

Disoriented in Dubai

Why this rich haven isn’t part of the Arab Spring.


 Ruth Marcus

A straitjacket for true believers

Grover Norquist tries to clarify his comments to The Post editorial board.


 Jonathan Capehart

DADT almost done

The ban on gays serving openly in the military is 60 days away from being history.


 Jonathan Capehart

The Senate heads home

The full faith and credit of the United States is on the line and folks are leaving town. Seriously?!

E.J. Dionne Jr.

 E.J. Dionne Jr.

E.J. Dionne Jr.: Why GOP leaders must free themselves from the Tea Party's grip

Opinion writer E.J. Dionne Jr. will be online Friday, July 22 at 1:15 p.m. ET, to chat about his recent column, "GOP leaders must free themselves from the Tea Party's grip."

E.J. Dionne Jr.

 E.J. Dionne Jr.

E.J. Dionne Jr.: Why GOP leaders must free themselves from the Tea Party's grip

Opinion writer E.J. Dionne Jr. will be online Friday, July 22 at 1:15 p.m. ET, to chat about his recent column, "GOP leaders must free themselves from the Tea Party's grip."

E.J. Dionne Jr.

 E.J. Dionne Jr.

GOP gang warfare

The disintegration of the Tea Party.

Kathleen Parker

 Kathleen Parker

Never the Twain shall be censored

Kathleen Parker

 Kathleen Parker

An era of 'hard-core women'

Now would be a very good time to be a cartoonist. Or perhaps not. As the late cartoonist Doug Marlette frequently lamented, "How do you cartoon a cartoon? We're living in 'Toon Town.' "

Kathleen Parker

 Kathleen Parker

An era of 'hard-core women'

Now would be a very good time to be a cartoonist. Or perhaps not. As the late cartoonist Doug Marlette frequently lamented, "How do you cartoon a cartoon? We're living in 'Toon Town.' "

Michael Gerson

 Michael Gerson

Cameron’s headache

The hacking scandal hampers his message.

Michael Gerson

 Michael Gerson

More than a myth

The power of J.K. Rowling.

Michael Gerson

 Michael Gerson

Beyond the Constitution

GOP pledges reflect a distrust of public officials.

Jackson Diehl

 Jackson Diehl

Retreat roulette

Why is the U.S. gambling with Iraq’s future?

Jackson Diehl

 Jackson Diehl

Leading from the front

Obama’s leadership helped free South Sudan.

Jackson Diehl

 Jackson Diehl

The wrong target

Why such chutzpah toward Israel and timidity toward Syria?

Fred Hiatt

 Fred Hiatt

Changing China

The Dalai Lama favors gradual reform.

Fred Hiatt

 Fred Hiatt

Go for broke

Why Obama should still aim for a grand bargain.

Fred Hiatt

 Fred Hiatt

Choosing decline

Obama and the GOP cede America’s leadership role.

David Ignatius

 David Ignatius

After Assad

The U.S. pushes for a democratic transition.

David Ignatius

 David Ignatius

Obama’s blurry vision

Why does the president react rather than lead?

David Ignatius

 David Ignatius

Citizen Murdoch

A media empire for the masses crosses the line.

Colbert I. King

 Colbert I. King

Why do children die?

For no good reason.

Colbert I. King

 Colbert I. King

Throw the bums out?

Six D.C. Council members deserve to be challenged.

Colbert I. King

 Colbert I. King

Golden days

What I’ve learned from 50 years of marriage.

Fareed Zakaria

 Fareed Zakaria

The gridlock we can fix

A way out from politics of venom and dysfunction.

Fareed Zakaria

 Fareed Zakaria

What Obama doctrine?

The search for a grand strategy is misguided.

Fareed Zakaria

 Fareed Zakaria

Pakistan’s radicalization

Islamist ideology is replacing strategy.