Featured Columns

The Default Caucus

The Tea Partyers ready to tank the economy.

The Half-Trillion Plan

The best debt-ceiling fix.

The limits of compromise

Sometimes the partisan way is the right way.

A Tea Party plan

The best way to defeat Obama.

Cameron’s headache

The hacking scandal hampers his message.

Over-the-top toys

Just say no to lavish playhouses.

What tax cut?

The Gang of Six’s plan hides a large tax increase.

GOP gang warfare

The disintegration of the Tea Party.

School of carping

Is it Congress or seventh grade?

After Assad

The U.S. pushes for a democratic transition.

The gridlock we can fix

A way out from politics of venom and dysfunction.

The new party of Reagan

The Gipper helps make the case for Democrats.

5 myths about extreme weather


  • 5 myths about extreme weather

    5 myths about extreme weather

    Let’s start with this heat wave.

    /rf/image_296w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2011/07/22/Interactivity/Images/d-110722-31.JPG 296 188
  • Deadline Washington

    Deadline Washington

    Staring down the clock.

    /rf/image_296w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2011/07/22/Web-Resampled/2011-07-22/23162804--296x197.jpg 296 196
  • The upside of media scandals

    The upside of media scandals

    Good medicine for the profession.

    /rf/image_296w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2011/07/18/Foreign/Images/504545716.jpg 296 213
  • A world without Rupert Murdoch

    A world without Rupert Murdoch

    What if the mogul left his post?

    /rf/image_296w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2011/07/22/Outlook/Images/Murdoch-NewsCorp011--606x404_24_1_92436571.jpg 296 172


A straitjacket for true believers

Grover Norquist tries to clarify his comments to The Post editorial board.”

Read Ruth Marcus

 Ruth Marcus

Jonathan Capehart

DADT almost done

Jonathan Capehart

The Senate heads home

Jonathan Capehart

Friday’s p-Op quiz

Ann Telnaes Animation

More Telnaes Animations

Summer spy serial contest

Summer spy serial contest

Read David Ignatius’s introduction and winning chapters 2 through 5, and then submit your ending.

Outlook & Opinions

Forsaking the way

Forsaking the way

Christian politicians often disappoint the faithful.

What an old debt deal did to D.C.

What an old debt deal did to D.C.

The founding of a slave capital.

Default would dim U.S. power

Default would dim U.S. power

It could do lasting harm.

How to slash $4 trillion

How to slash $4 trillion

A Moody’s expert knows how.

A world without Rupert Murdoch

A world without Rupert Murdoch

What if the mogul left his post?

Obama and FDR: Not alike after all

Obama and FDR: Not alike after all

The comparison doesn’t hold up.

If we default, hello third party

If we default, hello third party

Voters would defect.

Dysfunction and dread in Kabul

Dysfunction and dread in Kabul

A city of security barriers and fantasy palaces.

Book Reviews

Patrick B. Pexton

 Patrick B. Pexton

The Post and HUD tussle

Was paper’s report on the HOME program fair?

Patrick B. Pexton

 Patrick B. Pexton


The Post’s online ads are intrusive and irritating.

Patrick B. Pexton

 Patrick B. Pexton

The tweet hereafter

Post reporters learn social media.

Ombudsman Archive

Opinions Videos

China’s wrong track

Video: China’s wrong track

Is the nation’s high-speed rail really a model for the U.S. transportation system? Based on his travels in China, Washington Post editorial writer Charles Lane thinks not.
Government tells you what to eat

Government tells you what to eat

The Post's Dana Milbank attended an event in Washington, D.C., where the departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services presented new federal dietary guidelines, telling Americans how to eat better.
Ann Telnaes:  From sketch to animation

Ann Telnaes: From sketch to animation

A behind-the-scenes look at Pulitzer prize-winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes's process to complete an animated cartoon. Check out her animations at http://wapo.st/telnaes
A quest for territory

A quest for territory

Settlers of Catan, a multiplayer board game that was introduced by a German game designer, has developed somewhat of a cult following.
Victory party at Fox News

Victory party at Fox News

Who else was cheerleading for the Republican victory last night? To find out, Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank watched Fox News's coverage of the 2010 elections for 18 straight hours.
How is Obama doing?

How is Obama doing?

Washington Post columnist David Ignatius speaks with former national security advisors Zbigniew Brzezinski and Brent Scowcroft, about the greatest success and shortcomings of the Obama administration's foreign policy.
Which federal employees are happy?

Which federal employees are happy?

The Washington Post's Fred Hiatt speaks to Max Stier, President and CEO of Partnership for Public Service, about the best places to work for within the federal government and how leadership plays a key role in employee satisfaction.
Valerie Jarrett:  Obama 'isn't going to give up'

Valerie Jarrett: Obama 'isn't going to give up'

In an interview with the Post's Jonathan Capehart, Senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett talks about the president's plan to revive the nation's infrastructure, his confidence in reaping bipartisan support and his message in making America a more tolerant country.