
A cultural blog with Kyrie O'Connor
Jul 18, 2011

My guess is you think “Texas”

The 100 most beautiful words in English

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Jul 15, 2011

A little problem with a big, beautiful poem

In my parents’ house, The New Yorker was the gold standard, and with the exception of the benighted Tina Brown era, it has continued to be that in my house as well.

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Jul 14, 2011

What pop culture phenomena have y’all ignored?

The Emmy nominations are a good excuse to talk about picking and choosing what pop-culture phenomena we fall in love with.

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Jul 13, 2011

A generous guy ruined my day. Plus state flags.

Making fun of all the state flags? You will think all of this is funny except No. 13.

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Jul 12, 2011

Be a bronie

Bronies: young adult male fans of My Little Pony

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Jul 11, 2011

Where Starship Troopers meets garden gnomes

A couple of cool things have crossed my path in the past 24 hours. The first I saw posted on Facebook by Chris Olson, to give credit where credit is due. It posits that the director Paul Verhoeven must have traveled forward in time in preparation for doing the (pretty awful) 1997 movie Starship Troopers, [...]

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Jul 07, 2011

What little stuff annoys you?

I’m not in a bad mood today, but this story about great monkey movie scenes points to one of my least-favorite annoyances (the story gets it right): people who think monkeys and apes are the same thing, or don’t know the difference. This is not snobbery on my part; it’s really not at all hard [...]

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Jul 06, 2011

A roundly reviled song you probably like

It’s hard to imagine that many popular pop songs are as hated as “Africa” by Toto.

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