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Jul 22, 2011

Polling analysis: Non-candidate Perry vaults into serious contention with second-place finishes in CNN, Fox polls

Though not even a declared candidate, Texas Gov. Rick Perry seems to be watching his political star rise— in the latest polls, at least.

Rick Perry’s status differs by poll — the two latest, the FOX News and CNN/Opinion Research polls, show Perry just behind Romney at 14 percent. Two other polls show him far behind Romney. In all of the polls, Perry is either in second or fourth place in the massive field of GOP presidential wannabes.

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Categories: Polling, Presidential campaign, Rick Perry
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Perry Watch: Mike Huckabee tweaks Rick Perry for a “newfound commitment to hyper-conservatism”

Mike Huckabee would not be named among Gov. Rick Perry’s bigger fans. The former Arkansas governor and 2008 presidential candidate has sent an email to followers that criticized Perry while exposing some old wounds from Huckabee’s run in the 2008 presidential race.

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Posted by Andrea Vasquez on | Permalink | Leave a comment
Categories: Presidential campaign, Rick Perry
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Perry Watch: Rick Perry supporters write a song telling him “it’s time for Perry”

After months of noncommittal mulling, people are telling Gov. Rick Perry, “it’s time.”
TimeforPerry.com, a website launched Wednesday, is adding to the dozens of Facebook pages and enthusiastic Republicans urging Perry to throw his hat in the ring for a presidential run. Plus there’s a song. Listen to it here.

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Posted by Andrea Vasquez on | Permalink | Leave a comment
Categories: Presidential campaign, Rick Perry
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Looking for clues: What does it mean if Rick Perry doesn’t speak at prayer event?

The organizers of the big prayer event at Reliant Stadium now say it’s possible that Rick Perry won’t speak.

But he might.

What does it mean if Perry opts out of a speaking role at the nationally hyped event? A longtime Perry watcher gives us his best guess.

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Posted by Joe Holley on | Permalink | Leave a comment
Categories: Presidential campaign, Rick Perry
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Poll: Rick Perry debuts strongly among Tea Party Republicans, not so well among the rest

Rick Perry’s presidential campaign debut has gone pretty well, considering he hasn’t even announced his candidacy. The non-candidate has vaulted over the weak links in the 2012 Republican presidential chain. But a new ABC News/Washington Post poll reveals some serious challenges ahead for Perry: His support among non-Tea Party loyalists remains low and he has stiff competition for Tea Party backing.

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Posted by Will Tucker on | Permalink | Leave a comment
Categories: Polling, Presidential campaign, Rick Perry
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Jul 21, 2011

Rick Perry blasts Obama for NASA cuts, forcing Americans to “hitchhike in space”

An era of human space exploration has come to its end — and a new frontier in presidential politics has dawned.

As Americans waved goodbye to NASA’s shuttle program on Thursday, Texas Gov. Rick Perry blasted President Barack Obama for shutting down the nation’s “legacy of leadership” — a move he claims will leave “American astronauts with no alternative but to hitchhike in space.”

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Posted by SarahTung on | Permalink | Leave a comment
Categories: NASA, Pete Olson, Presidential campaign, Rick Perry, White House
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Is America suffering from “Texas fatigue” or “Bush fatigue”? And what could it mean to a Rick Perry campaign?

As Rick Perry decides whether to seek the presidency in 2012, one of the challenges his nascent campaign faces is to define the relationship between himself and that other Texas Republican who dominated the U.S. political stage for the first decade of the 21st century.

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Posted by Richard Dunham on | Permalink | Leave a comment
Categories: Bush family, Presidential campaign, Rick Perry, Texas politics
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Perry Watch: Anita Perry tells her husband to “get out of your comfort zone”

If Rick Perry decides to run for president, he’ll have an enthusiastic partner in his wife, Anita. In some recent public appearances, the Texas governor has talked about the role being played his wife in his decision whether to seek the Republican presidential nomination in 2012.

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Posted by Peggy Fikac on | Permalink | Leave a comment
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