NetNewsWire 3.3

NetNewsWire 3.3 for the Mac is here! The Black Pixel team has been hard at work to bring you Lion support—including fullscreen mode, which we really like. We’ve also fixed some issues affecting concurrency, stability and syncing with Google Reader. Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later required.

A huge thank you to our beta testers (including the ineffable Brent Simmons). And as always, please let us know if you have any trouble. Enjoy!

Black Pixel Acquires NetNewsWire

Our CEO, Daniel Pasco, via the Black Pixel blog:

For many of us, NetNewsWire was the inspiration to quit our jobs, get serious about learning Objective-C, and go indie. The fact that we have the opportunity to become a part of its story is a dream come true.

Also check out John Gruber’s interview with Brent Simmons and Daniel Pasco for an in-depth look at the deal. And some of my own thoughts on NetNewsWire.

Finally, Brent’s own words on the acquisition.

NetNewsWire Technotes site

NetNewsWire TechnotesWe’ve started a new site — NetNewsWire Technotes — for in-depth documentation that doesn’t fit in the Help book. (Or that should go in the Help book but just hasn’t gone in there yet.)

There’s no particular update schedule, and there are just a couple articles so far. Most of the time the articles will refer to the Mac versions, since there are so many more things to document.

The site has a feed, so you can get updates when they appear.

NetNewsWire 3.2.15: more syncing fixes

NetNewsWire iconNetNewsWire 3.2.15 fixes a number of syncing bugs:

Fixed at least one cause of a bug where syncing could appear to get stuck. (It would sometimes start but not finish and the indicator would keep spinning.)

Fixed a bug where synced feeds wouldn’t get Growl notifications.

Fixed a bug where synced feeds that are suspended would get refreshed anyway.

Fixed a bug downloading enclosures for synced feeds.

Stop button now works for syncing in the Activity window.

Fixed a bug logging into Google Reader where it could lock up the UI.

As always, you can download it manually, or do a Check for Updates in NetNewsWire.

Brent on Daily Edition

NetNewsWire developer Brent Simmons (that’s me, writing this) will be on 5by5’s Daily Edition Monday morning.

Macworld article on NetNewsWire Lite

Macworld: NetNewsWire 4.0 Lite debuts in Mac App Store.

NetNewsWire Lite 4.0 released, on the Mac App Store

NetNewsWire iconNetNewsWire Lite 4.0 is a new free version of NetNewsWire for Macintosh, available now on the Mac App Store.

It’s designed to be fast and light — and it’s definitely a Lite version in that it doesn’t have Google Reader syncing, tabs, Combined View and other features you might be used to. It does the basics, for folks who like their apps light and lean. (There will be a full version of NetNewsWire 4.0 with Google Reader syncing and other features.)

A couple of posts on go into more details:

The Return of NetNewsWire Lite

Some Details about NetNewsWire Lite 4.0

Also see the The Making of NetNewsWire Lite 4.0, a photoset on Flickr.

Here’s a screenshot — click it for the larger version:

NetNewsWire screenshot thumbnail

(There are more screenshots on its App Store page.)

Edit: 03/12 This application has been removed from the Mac App Store. 

NetNewsWire 3.2.14: syncing, sorting fixes

NetNewsWire iconAnother quick update — NetNewsWire 3.2.14 fixes a bug where refreshing might appear to get stuck, especially after waking up the computer from sleep (though it was possible at other times too).

It also fixes a bug where subscriptions weren’t getting re-sorted after a refresh session.

Unfortunately, the app-update system may still change your news-items font size preference. This build contains the fix — but that fix won’t be able to work until the next update.

If you download it manually, you can avoid that font size reset. Or you can do a Check for Updates, get the new version, then go to preferences and restore your font setting.

NetNewsWire 3.2.13: hang fix

NetNewsWire iconWhile we try to avoid doing updates bunched together — two in one day — we found a hanging bug in NetNewsWire 3.2.12. It’s been fixed in 3.2.13.

(We’d rather fix it quickly, even it if means an update follows an update.)

To get the update, do a Check for Updates, or download NetNewsWire directly.

NetNewsWire 3.2.12: syncing fixes

NetNewsWire iconNetNewsWire 3.2.12 fixes a bunch of syncing bugs, including bugs with syncing flagged items (which sync to starred items on Google Reader), and a bug with updating new content with some feeds.

It also fixes some crashing bugs, adds a send to Twitter for Mac command, and fixes a bug where sometimes you couldn’t flag older articles.

NetNewsWire users should be able to get the update by doing a Check for Updates. Or you can can download NetNewsWire directly.