manners for the digital age
Navigating the intersection of etiquette and technology.

Who Invited the Smartphone to Dinner?

Farhad Manjoo and Emily Yoffe debate the question: Is it rude to keep your cell phone on the table during a night out with friends?

Illustration by Robert Neubecker. Click to launch an iTunes Preview at Apple.com.This week, Farhad Manjoo and Emily Yoffe discuss whether it's rude to put your smartphone on the dinner table during a night out with friends. Listen to Episode No. 13 using the audio player below or by opening this player in a new tab.

Don't miss a single episode of Manners for the Digital Age. Subscribe to the free Manners podcast in iTunes or directly with our RSS feed. You can also download this week's episode here. And please join our new Digital Manners Facebook page, where Farhad and Emily will continue the conversation with you:

Send us your questions about etiquette dilemmas posed by new technology. Our email address is . You can also leave your question as a voicemail that we might play on a future episode. Our number is 424-255-RUDE (424-255-7833).

What's your opinion about this week's manners dilemma?

Read a transcript of this week's podcast here.

You'll find previous episodes here:

Accepting a Friend Request
Sharing Passwords
Email Gone Astray
Must I Tell Facebook I'm "In a Relationship"?
Can I Ignore a Tweet Directed at Me?
Hiding Your Party's Guest List
Declaring Your Love on Facebook
How Late Is Too Late to Text?
Can I Split a Check With Groupon?
Can I Use My Phone at a Dinner Party?
Should I Return a Missed Call?.

Go to Slate's podcast page.



And please check out all of Slate's other podcasts here.

Podcast produced by Jesse Baker.

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Farhad Manjoo is Slate's technology columnist and the author of True Enough: Learning To Live in a Post-Fact Society. You can e-mail him at and follow him on Twitter. Emily Yoffe is the author of What the Dog Did: Tales From a Formerly Reluctant Dog Owner. You can send your Human Guinea Pig suggestions or comments to .
Illustration by Robert Neubecker.
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