Teach Physics

Noyce Scholarship Video

A video introduction to the benefits of the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship, as told by two Noyce Scholars and a Noyce Program Coordinator.

Project Partners

The PhysTEC project is led by the American Physical Society, in partnership with the American Association of Physics Teachers and with continued support from the American Institute of Physics.



New PhysTEC Funded Sites Announced

The PhysTEC project recently announced that it would fund Boston University; California State University, San Marcos; State University of New York, Geneseo; and Virginia Tech to develop their physics teacher education programs into national models.

2011 New Phystec Funded Sites

Read the announcement

Read the original Request for Proposals

2011-2012 PhysTEC Noyce Scholarships Awarded

Arkansas Students The PhysTEC Noyce selection committee selected 11 applicants to receive PhysTEC Noyce scholarships in the 2011-2012 academic year. Of these, seven are returning scholars, and four are new applicants. Awards went to students at Seattle Pacific, Arkansas, and the University of North Carolina. Each of these scholars will receive up to $15,000 toward tuition and other education-related expenses, and will become part of a cohort that receives project support during their early years in the classroom.

More about the PhysTEC Noyce program

Newsletter, Fall 2010PhysTEC News, Fall 2010 edition

The Fall 2010 edition of the PhysTEC newsletter introduces the new funded sites, profiles PhysTEC teachers and a Teacher-in-Residence, features the national Task Force on Teacher Education in Physics, and provides perspectives on broader issues surrounding physics teacher preparation.

Read Newsletter pdf

News & Announcements Archive

PTECThe project supports PTEC, a coalition of institutions dedicated to improving physics and physical science teacher preparation. PTEC sponsors an annual conference and a variety of workshops. How to Join PTEC
