AAPT.org - American Association of Physics Teachers

AAPT Email Lists

Email lists have been established for many of AAPT’s Area Committees. Some of the committees prefer to have their list closed to everyone except committee members. Other committees have a history of including both committee members and friends of the committee, and anyone can join the list with the approval of the committee chair. You can join one of these lists by clicking on the link below which takes you to a website where you can register for the list.

Before participating in any of the AAPT email lists, please read the AAPT Guide to Email List Participation.


Committee Email Lists

(Click on the list's name to the right of the title to subscribe to that list)

Open to Committee Members Only

  • Apparatus: app-l
  • Educational Technologies: cet-l
  • Research in Physics Education: cper-l

Open to Committee Members and Friends

  • Committee on Minorities: aaptmip-l
  • International Education: cie-l
  • Graduate Education: graded
  • History and Philosophy of Physics: hpphys
  • Interests of Seniors in Physics: cisp-l
  • Laboratories: labs-l
  • Physics in High Schools: cphs-l
  • Physics in Pre-High School: prehs-l
  • Physics in Two-Year Colleges: cptyc-l
  • Physics in Undergraduate Education: cpue-l
  • Professional Concerns: aaptcpc-l
  • Science Education for the Public: csep-l
  • Space Science and Astronomy: cssa-l
  • Teacher Preparation: ctp-l
  • Women in Physics: aaptwip-l

Other Topics of Interest

To join any of the following lists, click on the link which will take you to a web page where you can register for the list and become an active participant.

Advanced Labs: advlabs

This list facilitates the communication between people who teach or who are otherwise interested in undergraduate advanced physics laboratories. We know that many people teach such labs, often in isolated environments. We hope this list will foster improved teaching by the sharing of information on successes and failures, and will bring a sense of community to teachers of advanced labs. More information can be found here: http://www.aapt.org/advlabs

New Faculty: newfaculty

A list to enable communication with those who attended the Workshop for New Physics and Astronomy Faculty. For more information about the Workshop for New Physics and Astronomy Faculty, visit the website at www.aapt.org/Conferences/newfaculty.cfm.

Physics First: physicsfirst

The Physics First list is intended to promote communication on the pros and cons of teaching Physics First. You are encouraged to share your ideas, your success stories, your concerns and your failures. We encourage interested teachers to join this listserv.

Teacher Preparation Coalition: coalition

A discussion list established for the purpose of exchanging information on the preparation of K-12 physics and physical science teachers. Only PhysTEC Coalition members can join the list but anyone can read the discussion list messages.  For more information about the Physics Teacher Education Coalition, visit the website at www.phystec.org.

Powerful Ideas in Physical Science: pips-l

A list for those who are using the PIPS materials in their physics classes or is interested in learning more about the PIPS curriculum materials. For more information about the PIPS program and materials, visit the PIPS web page at www.aapt.org/publications/pips.cfm.

Two-Year College Physics: tycphys-l

This list is open to anyone who wishes to discuss issues related to teaching physics at a two-year college.