Latest News

Motivating Quantum Mechanics
June 19, 2011
Information theory may offer an alternative explanation of quantum weirdness.
Gray arrow Article:  Science News
Gray arrow Viewpoint: APS Physics

Novel Water Wave Found
June 19, 2011
Researchers have observed never before seen wave behavior.
Gray arrow Article:  PhysOrg
Gray arrow Abstract: Phys Rev Letters

Longer Lasting Entanglement
June 18, 2011
Quantum entanglement, usually a fleetingly fragile state, can now be maintained indefinitely.
Gray arrow Article:  New Scientist
Gray arrow Forthcoming: Phys Rev Letters

Carbon-14 Decay Explained
June 15, 2011
Physicists come up with an explanation for the particularly handy half-life of Carbon-14.
Gray arrow Article:  New Scientist
Gray arrow Abstract: Phys Rev Letters

Lensing in the Early Universe
June 12, 2011
Distorted light from the dawn of time bolsters dark energy ideas.
Gray arrow Article:  Physics World
Gray arrow Viewpoint: Physics

New Particle Found
June 21, 2011
Physicists at Fermilab discover new subatomic particle.
Gray arrow Article:  Fox News

Washboard Road Physics
June 2, 2011
Probing the physics underlying rippled dirt roads.
Gray arrow Article:  Wired

Sunlight Erodes Diamond
June 15, 2011
A diamond placed in sunlight will start to lose atoms.
Gray arrow Article:  Scientific American

2011 Election Results Are In!

Four Members Chosen for Leadership

APS is pleased to announce the results of the 2011 APS membership-wide election.  New terms begin January 1, 2012.
Gray arrow  APS 2011 Election Results

Malcolm Beasley
Vice President
Malcolm Beasley
Sally Dawson
Chr-Elect Nom Comm
Sally Dawson
Keivan Stassun
Gen Councillor
Keivan Stassun
Annick Suzor-Weiner
Int'l Councillor
Annick Suzor-Weiner

U.S. Physics Team Wins 5 Medals

2011 International Physics Olympiad

2011 Physics TeamThe 2011 Physics Olympics were held in Bangkok, Thailand. U.S. high school students competed with 393 students from 84 countries and won 2 gold medals and 3 silver. The U.S. Physics Olympiad Program was started in 1986 by AAPT and is sponsored by APS.
Gray arrow  U.S. Team Scores at the 42nd Physics Olympiad

Assessing Graduate Programs

Which Departments are Female Friendly?

APS Committee on the Status of Women in Physics (CSWP) asked Department chairs five questions to determine the climate for women physicists. 194 departments have responded.
Gray arrow  "Female Friendly" Questions and Responses

Grading States' Preparation of Future Scientists

Judging State-by-State Science and Engineering Readiness Index

The APS Forum on Education summer newsletter describes the Science and Engineering Readiness Index (SERI), a tool for policy-makers and educators to use to examine progress in K-12 physical science and engineering education. Five indicators were used to rate the 50 U.S. states.

SERI Scores by State 
Gray arrow  State-by-State Science and Engineering Readiness Findings

APS Units

Recent Newsletters
Gray arrow Forum on Education
Gray arrow Division of Fluid Dynamics

Policy Actions Update

Recommendations & Response

 • NSF Merit Review Criteria Format - PDF
 • Defending Social & Behavioral Science Format - PDF
 • Cautioning Against Science Cuts Format - PDF

Article Length Redefined

Technology Allows Changes

APS JournalsBeginning immediately, APS journals will use word counts (or word equivalents for tables, figures, equations) rather than the printed page to calculate length.
Gray arrow Editorial: Redefining Length

Congress Responds

Securing Critical Elements

APS report, Energy Critical Elements: Securing Materials for Emerging Technologies has impact.
Gray arrow Congressional Action
Gray arrow Energy Critical Elements Report

Current APS Deadlines

Webinar Registration
Gray arrow Choosing a Grad School: July 26