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Highlights from the Daily edition

New York Times hits global warming hard this week

SCIENCE AND THE MEDIA: A editorial, two op-eds, and a front-page feature criticize Congress, warning of dire future.

Female-friendly Physics First

THE DAYSIDE: To encourage more girls to take advanced physics in high school, should physics become the first science course that students encounter?

Antineutrinos reveal a primordial source of Earth’s radiated heat

PHYSICS UPDATE: Every second, Earth expels 44 terajoules of energy into space. Much of that energy arises from the decay of radioactive isotopes but the remainder flows from an energy reservoir created billions of years ago, as our planet formed.

Discontinuity under the Aloha State

SINGULARITIES: An advanced seismic imaging technique has provided a more detailed picture of mantle structure beneath the Hawaii islands, but it hasn't resolved how the islands formed.

Talking about innovation with senior research officers

THE DAYSIDE: America's universities continue to produce innovative research. Now they are producing innovative ideas about how to exploit that research.

AGU Journalism Awards winners are announced.

WE HEAR THAT: The 2011 Robert C. Cowen Award for Sustained Achievement in Science Journalism has been won by Charles W. Petit, and the 2011 David Perlman Award for Excellence in Science Journalism has gone to The Independent's Steve Connor.

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