Scitation is home to the most influential news, comment, analysis and research in the Physical Sciences.

AIP Publishing

About AIP Publishing

AIP Publishing is a wholly owned not-for-profit subsidiary of the American Institute of Physics (AIP). AIP Publishing’s mission is to support the charitable, scientific and educational purposes of AIP through scholarly publishing activities in the fields of the physical and related sciences on its own behalf, on behalf of Member Societies of AIP, and on behalf of other publishing partners to help them proactively advance their missions. AIP Publishing’s portfolio comprises 19 highly regarded, peer-reviewed journals, including the flagship journals Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, and The Journal of Chemical Physics, in addition to the AIP Conference Proceedings.

Acoustical Society of America

About the Acoustical Society of America

The purpose of the Acoustical Society of America is to increase the knowledge of acoustics and to promote its practical applications. Established in 1929, the present membership includes leaders in acoustics worldwide. Diverse fields of interest in acoustics include physics, engineering, architecture, noise, oceanography, biology, speech and hearing, psychology and music.

Popular Articles

American Association of Physics Teachers

About American Association of Physics Teachers

AAPT is a professional membership association of scientists dedicated to enhancing the understanding and appreciation of physics through teaching. AAPT was established in 1930 with the fundamental goal of ensuring the "dissemination of knowledge of physics, particularly by way of teaching."

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American Crystallographic Association, Inc

About American Crystallographic Association, Inc.

The American Crystallographic Association, Inc. is a non-profit, scientific organization of over 2,200 members in more than 60 countries. ACA was founded in 1949 through a merger of the American Society for X-Ray and Electron Diffraction (ASXRED) and the Crystallographic Society of America (CSA). The objective of the ACA is to promote interactions among scientists who study the structure of matter at atomic (or near atomic) resolution. These interactions will advance experimental and computational aspects of crystallography and diffraction. Understanding the nature of the forces that both control and result from the molecular and atomic arrangements in matter will help shed light on chemical interactions in nature and can therefore lead to cures for disease.

AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing

About AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing

As an interdisciplinary, professional Society, AVS supports networking among academic, industrial, government, and consulting professionals involved in a variety of disciplines - chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, all engineering disciplines, business, sales, etc. through common interests related to the basic science, technology development, and commercialization of materials, interfaces, and processing area.

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Chinese Physical Society

About Chinese Physical Society

CPS is an academic organization under the leadership of the China Association for Science and Technology. Its purpose is to promote the development and popularization of physics. The society publishes 11 academic journals, and 11 others are published by its sub-societies or specialized committees. CPS is a member of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) and of the Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS).

Laser Institute of America

About Laser Institute of America

Laser Institute of America (LIA), founded in 1968, is the professional society for laser applications and safety. Our mission is to foster lasers, laser applications, and laser safety worldwide. LIA cultivates innovation, ingenuity and inspiration to promote the continued growth and safe use of laser applications.

The Society of Rheology

About The Society of Rheology

Rheology, a branch of mechanics, is the study of those properties of materials which determine their response to mechanical force. The word rheology was coined in the 1920's to represent the science of the deformation and flow of matter, and The Society of Rheology was officially formed on December 9, 1929. Meetings of The Society have been held at least annually since that time. The Society has sponsored publication of technical and scientific papers in this field in various journals, currently in its own Journal of Rheology.

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