AAPT.org - American Association of Physics Teachers

Giving to Physics Education Through AAPT

Dear Friend of Physics Education,

Thank you for considering making a gift to physics education through AAPT. Your gift is an investment in the enhancement of physics teaching. You can read reviews by our donors on GuideStar.org.

Our endowment and annual funds help support physics educators and students, recognize excellence, expand outreach activities, and foster innovative professional development programs for school teachers, college faculty, teaching assistants, and others. Read more.

You may make online contributions, donate by mail, or give securities. Please click the appropriate link below to contribute to the future of AAPT. Upon completion, you will receive a receipt for your records. AAPT is recognized as a non-profit organization by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Gifts to AAPT are tax deductible.



If you have an AAPT login and password, you can login & donate here to donate using your account information. Forgot your password?

If you do not have an AAPT account and would like to donate, please proceed to our online contributions page.

By Mail

You can donate by mail by completing and sending in our donor form (PDF).

We also have a securities contributions form (PDF).

Planned Giving

You can contribute to AAPT by leaving a legacy. Read more about Planned Giving.


AAPT Benefactors

Hundreds of members and friends of AAPT have invested in programs, scholarships, and initiatives designed to support physics education.  They did so by giving to AAPT.  The beneficiaries of these efforts and opportunities join AAPT in offering their deepest gratitude to AAPT's benefactors.

Corporate Partners

Corporate Partners are businesses that have made a significant contribution to AAPT events and programs. We would like to thank & recognize our corporate partners for their support.

View a list of current corporate partners and partner levels »